Offspring (ThursdayTreeLove)

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees – Amelia Earhart

While roots of trees are underground in most cases , plants do grow aerial roots. The Ficus species is the easily recognisable example. When the hanging root touches ground, a new tree is born at that spot. Over time, the single tree has several offsprings and it becomes a forest!!

The Great Banyan at the Botanical Garden in Kolkata, the Banyan at Pemgiri and the Banyan at Auroville are famous for creating such forests.

Have you seen these or other similar ancient Ficus?

Your city would surely have mini versions of such new trees.

Here are two lovely roadside trees that provide a shelter from Sun or Rain to passerby’s. A wonderful spot for evening chats!

And a cool spot to park a vehicle 😉

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around thecworld.

Better still, join in!!

Happy Diwali folks!!!

May this festival of lights bring good Health and Happiness to everyone!

The Will

The paper was blank but Meena’s mind was full of thoughts.. What should she write.. They had a Talk on making a Will and all residents of the Elder Home were encouraged to do so. She had been living here for the last ten years. All said and done she was fairly comfortable. Food, company, medical help and entertainment was quite good.

Nothing to complain really.

Meena had sizeable assets that logically had to be willed to avoid disputes later.

What should she do? Did her two sons deserve anything after the way they had shunted her off to this Home? Sonam was more worthy according to Meena.

She did not remember when she last met her sons. Of late even the video calls had stopped. She consoled herself, that her elder one was busy in his career.. after all he would soon be the MD of his company. The younger one had become a father for the second time and naturally all his free time was spent with his kids.

Sonam had been their neighbour and was the only one who visited regularly. Just chatting with her was the bright point of Meena’s week. They spoke about old times, movies, current happenings, her work. Sonam was to be a mother soon and they had booked a new flat. Meena planned to make some baby clothes for the little one.

Over the years, Sonam became the daughter she never had. The two had become quite close.

Her eyes were moist as she looked back at her life. Was blood thicker than water? Her confusion over, Meena picked up the pen and began writing her Will…

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series using the above photo prompt and word prompt ‘remember’.

Surprise ( Wordless Wednesday)

Rains continuing into October is a surprise for us folks in Pune. Of course it means we are spared the October heat.

An added surprise is this unexpected bloom on my Mogra.

It usually flowers from April onwards , and the last blooms are by end of June.

A lively surprise indeed!

I am joining Natasha in her bimonthly Wordless Wednesday Bloghop!

The Envelope

Photo by Roman Koval on

It lay there on the table, untouched for a week, a seemingly innocent envelope that had become a huge source of discomfort to her. Whoever said letters got lost in transit was obviously wrong, as this envelope had travelled five cities – each time redirected via multiple addresses in hope of finding her.

P Shrikant, Delhi was clearly the original sender of the letter.

The name triggered memories of a tightly shut past. Why would he contact her after six years?

Six years ago she got married and left Delhi and severed all connections.

With Shrikant and all her college friends.

The graduation years were marked by a host of activities and Shrikant was always with her. They studied together, travelled together, and competed for the top spot. She felt there was something beyond friendship between them but was not sure if Shrikant reciprocated. Neither of them spoke and going with her family’s flow she married the chosen Boy as soon as her final year exams were over.

A clean cut was the best to settle into her role as a wife.

She was happy and content now.

A hundred possibilities crossed her mind. What if he wanted to reconnect… Was she ready to go on that road?

Her husband was curious about her sudden agitation. Who is he? Why don’t you open it?

Finally, she did.

With trembling hands, she unfolded the single sheet.

The envelope held her BSc Degree that Shrikant had collected from the University and sent to her last known address.

I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series.

Sweet Sour (ThursdayTreeLove)

We have all heard of the story of Ber offered by Shabari to Lord Ram. The sweet sour Ber (Indian Plum) is a favourite fruit for many of us.. I remember a vendor selling small red Ber near our school and quite often we did buy a handful for a Rupee – always sold in a paper cone!

What did its tree look like or where did it grow was never thought of!

Over time, I have lost a taste for Ber but its tree has fascinated me.

The hills of Pune are home to many Ber trees. Some of them are the wild variety and not tasty at all but still a good reminder of my childhood.

Ber belongs to the Ziziphus genus and to the Rhamnaceae family. It is a small tree with drooping branches. Some species are shrub-like and armed. The leaves typically are three nerved and have a shiny whitish undersurface. This makes it quite easy to identify a Ber tree.

Here is the Ber I meet very often in my walks!

Tree with its drooping branches
Tiny creamy yellowish flowers . Three veined leaves with toothed margins!
Forgive me for the hazy image but do see the shiny white leaf undersides.
The tree with fruit!
Ber are the red berries at the bottom right. This image is taken at Mahabaleshwar ! Natural foods to munch while sight seeing!

What is your memory of this humble fruit? Do you like the sweet variety of Ber or the sour ones?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some wonderful trees from around the world. Better still, join in!


Yash stepped out of his house eagerly looking forward to closing the deal. This was to be his come-back project after a break. As Yash rose the corporate ladder facing success after success, he unknowingly picked up a routine to which he attributed his success.

The lucky Pen. The lucky Tie. The Auspicious day. The lucky Number.

There was a longer list of no-nos. Saturdays were out of question. Blue shirts were out. And the list increased every day.

The entire team was forced to follow his quirks especially as the company continued to benefit from every transaction he closed.

As the years went by, Yash’s superstitious behaviour became almost fanatic and took on shades of OCD. His individual whims were now imposed on the team; something which the top brass was forced to take notice of irrespective of the successes he brought.

They decided that he either took medical help or would be shown the door.

So here he was, after six months of therapy and medication, ready to prove his mettle. A make or break stage in his career.

As Yash drove out of the building, he floored the brake and broke out into a sweat.

A black cat was crossing the road ahead of him.

Yash compulsively reversed the car.

Photo by David Bartus on

I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series using the above photo prompt.