The incessant whistle of the cooker woke her up. Her mind was whizzing as put her thoughts into perspective. Five years of hope and hard work that did not yield results.
Ever since leaving school, it had been her dream to become an IAS officer. With single minded dedication she had prepared for the exams. This was her last attempt at the coveted Civil Services entrance exams. She could not make it through the Prelims in her first attempt but progressively improved to reach the Interview stage by her third attempt.
She consoled herself that things could only become better. Yet the next two years saw her unable to ace the interviews. No amount of coaching or studying or motivation or morale boosting seemed to help cross the final hurdle. Time seemed to be running out as she would be reaching the age cut-off for her category.
She gave in to her parents demand and got married.
This final attempt was simply to appease her conscience that every opportunity had been taken up. She was unsure how her new family would react to her dream.
But she was in for a huge surprise.
He took complete control and let her concentrate on her goal. Not a single problem however trivial reached her. She gave all she had to this attempt. Whenever she did find some free time, both of them went for long walks. He introduced her to Classical music. Occasionally they played Rummy.
She felt calm and confident and optimistic. A new job awaited her.
“There’s coffee for you. I am making Alu Parantha for breakfast. Come on….the website should have the results soon.”
So saying her husband of one year opened the Laptop.
I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series using the Photo prompt.