Amazing Heart recovery

Hannah Clark of England is thought to be the only person in the world in whom her failing heart sufficiently recovered so that the transplanted heart could be removed. Read the story here and here. Professor Magdi Yacoub of Imperial College London and Hannah’s doctor since the begining has co-authored a report about this miracle in the Lancet journal.

Hannah developed a type of cancer due to drugs given to prevent her body from rejecting the transplanted heart. As the doctors changed medication plans her body responded with her own heart healing and recovering.


Massage undoubtedly has several benefits. It has been in vogue since ancient times across several cultures across the world. Ayurveda accords tremendous importance to snehan (massage) as a preparatory to Panchakarma treatments . 

Do inform your therapist if you are under any medication or are allergic to any thing. Also select a therapist with necessary qualifications to administer the massage.

Some conditions where it must be avoided are as follows:

Thrombosis of Veins (blood clots)
Varicose veins
Skin conditions like eczema or other contagious conditions
Open cuts/wounds
Cancer/ Tumours
Rheumatoid arthritis
Recently healed fractures
Recent surgical procedures
Pregnancy (subject to which area to be treated and which month)
Recent scars
Certain abdominal conditions
Go ahead and Relax and Rejuvenate!!

Health is Wealth

This old saying obviously meant that being healthy is the best wealth for a person.

Yet now it can have a different meaning- from the medical providers point of view. Obviously they are into this profession for the love of it AND to make a livelihood.
Medical establishments have grown from being one man stand alone shows to huge set ups. Hospitals, path lab chains are now registered entities. This obviously means they must report profits. I am told that some set ups have ‘targets’ for CABG (open heart bypass surgery)… 
Obviously the ‘patient’ then becomes a consumer and should be eligible for protection under consumer laws. Often those affected by a mis-diagnosis or carelessness prefer to ‘let it be’ after they get relief from a second/third opinion. 
While advertising was a almost a taboo for the medical profession some time back, we have huge hoardings, television commercials, print ads for medical products like artificial joints, diabetes and weight loss solutions (without dieting or exercising) just to name a few. Surgeries are available as ‘packages’ ! 
Does this strike a warning bell? 
They say one’s friends circle must always include one who wears a white coat and one a black one. (Doctor and a Lawyer). 
I would prefer to exercise regularly, meditate, set achievable goals and try to be happy and avoid going down this street as much as possible.
What about you?
Take care

Love is..

14 Feb came and as is wont over past few years created a furrow about its Indian context, moral police, definition of liberty, women’s rights etc…

Rather than add to this debate, I would like to highlight some aspects of love as you cross the forties threshold:
Love is:
Sharing your near distance spectacles with your spouse
Making sure to buy figs or soft fruits along with any apples/pears that you may like
Giving up sugar/salt in your diet
Going for a walk each morning with your spouse even if you would rather spend the hour doing a step class/play a round of golf
Using headphones to listen to your favourite radio/TV program instead of turning up the volume
The ad world too eggs seniors on to demonstrate their affection.
I am sure there would be hundreds more examples of what love means to each one of us…
Happiness always..

A Dream Come True

They say a person’s age should be judged by how long he lives on in people’s memory rather than how many years he/she spend on earth. In that case, Dr Nitu Mandke continues to live today via thousands of people he had operated upon. An excellent cardiac surgeon, it was indeed a cruel turn of fate due to which he succumbed to a heart attack in 2003. It was his dream to build a cardiac hospital in Mumbai. His untimely death only delayed this effort. The hospital was inaugurated on 26 January 2009 in Mumbai, much bigger than originally planned and inclusive of other specialities as well.

Dr Nitu Mandke completed his school and medical education at Pune. His family and friends organise a program on 31 January each year to commemorate his birthday. The simple program yesterday devoid of undue emotionalism was highly motivating. A fitting tribute to a great human being.
Key take aways:
Like its important to get a good teacher, a teacher too looks out for a good student
Dream big and then stay focussed on your goal
Work towards your target one step at a time
14 Feb is round the corner. It is the Congenital Heart Defects Day. Spend a few minutes learning about this condition. Some congenital heart defects are completely curable and children go on to live meaningful happy lives.

Power Naps

An afternoon nap or adequate night sleep itself is a priceless luxury for those in the fast lane. In many cases a short afternoon sleep or power nap can have beneficial effects. Everyone has different indications for the body crying out for a pause and we must learn recognize those. These symptoms range between drooping eyes/ moodiness/ lethargy/ difficulty in decision making or communicating etc.

The power nap works best if you are able to comfortably lie down in a quiet place. Generally a maximum of 30 minutes of sleep works best to recharge your mind and body. Longer sleep takes us into deeper sleep stages and this could lead to sleeplessness at night. It’s a good idea to set the alarm even for a 20-minute nap to avoid such problems.

This does not take away the importance of adequate sleep at night. Some experts opine that if a person gets adequate night sleep then he/she should not feel tired during the day. Others recommend the power nap as a simple mid day relaxation technique for both mind and body.

Either way there is no reason for not grabbing 40 winks as long as your work efficiency remains high. Listen and understand your body and choose what works best for you. The idea is to work hard and do your best but not at the cost of damaging your body!

Combatting Cough

hWe are seeing unpreceedented cold weather across India. Pune is known for a huge variation in day-night temperatures and the difference can at times be up to three times.

Thus, cough and cold are almost continuous companions, in both children and adults.

I am reposting an earlier nuska – ideal for dry nagging cough.
This formula has been handed down my family.
Obviously it is not a substitute for a visit to a doctor or medications.
: )

Those allergic to any ingredients, please use discretion.

Roast 10 whole cloves on a gas flame using tongs.
Similarly roast 10 whole cardamoms.
When cool, pound the two together to a fine powder.
Mix in about 4 tsp of honey. Honey made from ‘jambhool‘ is most effective, else any variety will do.
The sweet n spicy potion is ready!
Store in a tightly closed jar.
Consume 1/8 tsp at a time, three times a day.


Stress myths busted!

Suddenly there is a whole new culprit for diseases these days – Stress. It is seen not only in adults but pages and pages get written about how kids and adolescents too get affected.

Commonly it is understood to be some kind of worry or burden (social or financial) that has to be solved. So what is stress? Stress cannot be quantified. Yet it has actually been closely involved with human evolution as our ancestors fought wild animals or scrambled to acquire food. Our body reacts to any challenge with the primitive fright-fight-flight syndrome. All of us have experienced such body reactions.

Just think how you feel as you run to catch a bus or train, or are chased by a wild dog? The heart beats very fast, we become breathless, muscles become tense and we begin to sweat profusely. The body releases a substance called adrenalin in the blood. This causes the changes mentioned earlier so that our body can deal with the situation in this case, run away from the dog or get on to the bus.

Over a period of few minutes, the heart and breathing calms down and we gradually relax. The body reaction was designed to deal the external situation or achieve a goal. Hence the changes were helpful. Once the stressor is removed, body is supposed to become normal.

Modern day stressors however are different. They involve long working hours, an angry boss, uncooperative colleagues, personal conflicts at home, overwork etc. However in any knowledge intensive profession, an individual is never really away from work as thought processes continue. Our body reacts to these factors (stress) in the only way it knows how- by releasing adrenaline in the blood stream. This causes the same changes we noted above. As long as stress remains, the body continuously remains in a heightened state. This means muscles remain tense; blood sugar remains high, heart functions at a faster rate. Our performance improves to some extent due to these changes but problems begin when the body does not revert to its normal equilibrium. Diabetes, high blood pressure, persistent neck and back pain, ulcers etc. are the new lifestyle diseases arising from such uncontrolled and unabated stress.

Having said that it is important to note that stress cannot be totally done away with. What we can do is learn to manage the effects of stress. This means try to consciously relax and undo the physical changes that are caused by adrenalin release. Our mind has a deep control over our body. Controlling our mind and thoughts can go a long way in managing stress.
Meditation is an excellent tool for this. Choose any form of meditation that appeals to you and can do in the time available to you. This will ensure regularity in practice. Studies have shown that brain activity decreases while meditating and right brain activity increases which is good for us. As one relaxes he/she can feel the breathing slow down, heart rate fall and the muscles relax.

Some form of stress busters must be included in our daily routine. Listening to music and exercise are also excellent for stress relief. Exercises can be of any form (yoga, walking, swimming, sports or gym exercises).

However incorporating this routine will not show overnight results. Give it some time, make healthy lifestyle changes, put your goals into perspective and take charge of your life!

There is no reason to fear stress, make it work for you!

Simple Stress Solution

There I was on a slow boil for some apparently important reason. I could feel my heart pounding. The usual route was not available to me then, namely the lachrymal glands. I freely indulged in a copious outpouring to let go all built up emotions-be they anger or sorrow even at the risk of being labeled uncharitable names by my family.

Through the red haze clouding my mind, the brown leaves of my once green plants grabbed my attention. Surely the gardener had been instructed to clean the foliage while watering. Instead of giving in to yet another combustible point, I grabbed the water sprayer, filled it with water and attacked the leaves.

Pune city lovingly coats all its occupants with a layer of dust, grime and other miscellaneous pollutants especially in summers. The leaves of my plants too had turned a uniform brown black from assorted shades of green, white and reds.

As I doused the leaves the muck slowly but surely got washed away. I soon was totally engrossed in reaching for every leaf and branch from all angles. Before I realized it I had refilled the sprayer and had moved onto the second plant.

I happily noted that my plants were smiling at me again. I could see the lovely shades of white and green on my variegated varieties and reds on my Coleus. The rose buds too seemed to say thank you! I noticed yet another strange fact. I was feeling much calmer and happier. Occasional droplets of water blew onto me for a welcome cooling effect.

In no time I had restored my plants to their natural state. A little analysis showed that the spraying action was similar to that demanded by the ubiquitous stress balls. I had found an instant stress buster, which also helped de-stress my plants. I could now manage my stress even when surrounded by people and with no fear of unwanted branding like ‘cry baby’.

Stress is an unavoidable part of our lives and some say it actually improves performance. The important thing is to learn to manage it. Here is another cool tool to help you out. Almost all homes boast of some representative of the plant kingdom, the so-called ‘lucky bamboo’ or ‘dancing bamboos’ being the latest entrants. A sprayer costs just around 50 rupees and works just as well on plastic plant varieties.

Get a sprayer today and do a favour to yourself and your plants. Try out this simple stress solution for instantaneous results.

Get Ready to take on extra jobs..

Divali is just a few days away! Shops are ablaze with colourful lanterns, lights and many new decorations.
Many of us are getting our homes redone.
Some of us have planned to prepare new and old delicacies for the festivities.

Our physio clinics often see a huge increase in ladies with neck pain, shoulder pain or backaches post this extra work load.

Click here for some some basic guidelines to cook in a pain free manner…
