Red and Green (ThursdayTreeLove)

In May 2020
In August 2020
In May 2020
In August 2020

The Gulmohor (Delonix regia) of the Caesalpiniaceae family is a deciduous tree -which means it loses its foliage in the winter. Come summer it bursts into full red glory (sometimes orange).. but once it rains, the tree becomes a glorious green canopy.

Here are the images of the same tree in May and August! Nature has its own way of signalling seasons to the trees. Is it the temperature, position of the Sun, or something else?

Either way, trees dont need a calender .. infact, sometimes they indicate the upcoming season to us!

This is my TTL post from May 2020 – the very same tree in full red glory!

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Yellow (ThursdayTreeLove)

The almost mandatory photo stop in my daily walk!

What do you first see in this image? I know you will say trees.. we are on ThursdayTreeLove after all!! And you are right!!

Normally I would have admired the clouds or the view but this time the yellow blaze caught my eye. So much so that I walked an extra 500m to reach this tree.

No identification puzzles this time.

There grew a row of Peltophorum pterocarpum and all were in bloom. Their blazing yellow flowers were the head turners that day. This tree belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family and is known as Copper Pod Tree. It is a common avenue tree in Pune and its dense green foliage is made up of pretty feather like leaves . Its fragrant flowers give way to rusty red pods hence the local name Copper Pod tree. The Peltophorum looks wonderful in bloom as well as when full of these coppery pods.

Flowers and Fruit
Not native to Pune, yet the species is happy in the city with profuse flowering and fruiting every year.

As I said, this is mostly an avenue tree which means one cannot really sit under its dense cool shade or enjoy its fragrance … It is all in a days work for the Peltophorum to lay out a yellow carpet for morning walkers..

A yellow carpet .. image from a few years ago

Have you seen this majestic tree and enjoyed the fragrance of its blooms?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Brush (ThursdayTreeLove)

A visit to the Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Botanical Garden in Kolkata was at the end of our trip to the Sunderbans. It was a botanically wondrous trip to say the least! The Garden itself is huge and home to unique trees like the famous Banyan

Here is another tree that I met for the first and only time! A beautiful red brush like structure beckoned me from a distance and located as it was amid leaves had me immediately thinking of the Shaving Brush tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum) which does grow in Pune. However when I went closer, the tree looked different especially its leaves. It was end of January and the digitate glossy green leaves suggested a different ID. 

Seen from afar

Luckily for me, the placard saved me the trouble and I could freely admire the Pachira aquatica without any stress of identification. It belongs to the Bombacaceae family just like the Shaving Brush Tree which explained the similarity in the flowers. Also known as Malabar Chestnut tree it is an introduced species in India. I loved its flowers which are nothing like those used for table decorations or bouquets. 

Flower and Fruit

Have you seen this wonderful tree? When in Kolkata please do make time for the botanical garden! 
I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove Blog hop. Do head over to see some wonderful trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Tree Trunk

Striking (ThursdayTreeLove)

“Love the trees until their leaves fall off and then encourage them to try again next year” – Chadd Sugg

Like my previous TTL post, this is another solitary tree on a plateau! After the first rains, the sky was absolutely clear and blue and I simply could not walk past without capturing the striking beauty of this tree against the sky. 

 I think it is a Khair (Acasia genus but I havent got down to a specific ID) and belongs to the Mimosaceae family. It is deciduous and is just about breaking into new leaf right now. 

Here are its blossoms..

Dont they remind you of the Diwali Fuljhadi ??

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Continue reading “Striking (ThursdayTreeLove)”

Solitary And Strong (ThursdayTreeLove)

“Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong”
Winston Churchill

This tree grows alone by the edge of a quarry… I have seen it for at least a decade and I am fascinated by the shape of its trunk. Its obviously endured some trauma – either natural (wind etc) or human but it stands strong as ever.

Let me leave you to enjoy the tree and hopefully my image will convey the beauty of the spot it grows at.

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in! 

Upside Down (ThursdayTreeLove)

Majority plants we see have their flowers or inflorescence growing upwards.. or facing the sky.
I am sure you all must have noticed it.

But there are some beautiful species where the flowers actually face downwards.. towards the ground.
Up side Down as it were.
Let me first share two of my favourites..
Moha .. A species indigenous to India and has huge economic importance especially for tribals. 

Here are its uniquely shaped flowers.

Moha is known all over  by its botanical name of Madhuca longifolia and belongs to the Sapotaceae family.Just like Fall Foliage of the West, this tree puts up a spectacular show in spring when it bursts into new leaf. The book Jungle Trees of Central India by Pradip Krishen has two full pages devoted just to the spring reds of the Moha.

Yet another lovely bloom is the Bakul or Maulsari . Its flowers have a divine fragrance and in fact the tree is blooming right now in Pune! Its flowers face downwards as for Moha. Bakul goes by the botanical name Mimusops elengii and belongs to the Sapotaceae family.

Here are some others..
Durangi Babool or Dichrostachys cinerea of the Mimosaceae family.

Wrightia species of the Apocyanceae family.

Flowers of the Custard Apple or Annoa squamosa also face downwards as do those of the Hirwa Chafa or Artabotrys hexapetalus. Both these belong to the Annonaceae family.

Update: Brugmansia , Fuschia and Adansonia digitata also deserve a mention in this post!
Alana  has told us that Lenten Rose, Columbine also have downward facing flowers! 

Have you noticed downward facing flowers on trees/shrubs/creepers?

I have always wondered why this is a feature of some plants? Does it have something to do with their pollination or seed dispersal?
Any ideas folks?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Glorious Gulmohor (ThursdayTreeLove)

May is peak summer in Pune. 
Its also the time for the May Flower! 
Its blossoms have a soothing effect despite the brilliant red… a colour that is usually associated with heat.

This is a beautiful Gulmohor tree growing on my regular walk route. Here it is..

From a distance.. looks like the rising Sun on the horizon!

Walking closer to the tree

Overlooking its huge canopy


Another view

Beautiful Flowers

Gulmohor belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family and is known all over the world by its botanical name of Delonix regia. The tree is an exotic species in India but is very common in all over the country especially as an avenue tree. It has a shallow root system which means trees tend to fall after a spell of heavy rains.

Some objections to this species (as its not indigenous) is that our birds do not nest on it; birds, insects and animals do not eat its fruit or nectar as food. 
However I feel that its foliage gives us much needed oxygen and cooling shade. 

What do you think? 

Either way, May is the most glorious month for the Gulmohor! 

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in! 

Thank You Trees (ThursdayTreeLove)

Thank You! 

Due to the Covid19 lockdown, stores were open only for a couple of hours in Pune. 10am to Noon. People had to stand in a queue in designated spots to buy their needs. 

Every shop had such circles marked out where customers had to queue up.. 

April is a pretty hot time of the year for us. Which means, this wait would have been really hot and trying if it were not for these wonderful trees by the roadside.

It did not matter if the trees were exotic, indigenous, flowering, fruiting, … they gave a welcome cooling shade for the folks below waiting patiently for their turn. 

Thanks to the folks who planted these trees maybe two or three decades ago and we can now reap the benefits! 

“One generation plants the trees, another gets the shade”- Chinese Proverb

I am sure all of you must have noticed and enjoyed the trees in your lane or your society in the lockdown period! 

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Stay home folks and stay safe! 

Wispy (ThursdayTreeLove)

Indigenous, Tekdi, Lannea
We pass by this tree almost daily and February is the month when its most eye catching due to the wispy branch ends. It has shed its leaves sometime in November and bursts into these delicate inflorescence in February (usually). 
Here is a cropped image..

It is locally called as Moi or Lannea coromandelica

Here is closer look at the flowers.. 

Dont they remind you of the Mango blossoms? That’s because both belong to the same family Anacardiaceae. 
Soon these flowers develop into fruit.

Moi is an indigenous species and common in hills of Pune and there are a specimens that grow in the city as well. I have seen it in Pondicherry and even in Tadoba. It can be easily identified by its ashy mottled trunk and lovely leaves. Today, I dont have a leaf photo for you. May be a couple of months later when the tree bursts into foliage.

Pune hills have seen umpteen tree plantation drives.. and I have noticed that Moi is among the few that does well. 

Have you noticed this tree in your city? Or its wispy flowers?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Head over to see some wonderful trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Another Use (ThursdayTreeLove)

Looking up to see leaves growing in perfect symmetry

I see this pair of Coconut Palms daily … From my window and every time I walk out.. ofcourse then I have to crane my neck to look up. The trees have soared over the years which means I have to bend my neck back a lot but the sight of the beautiful leaves is worth it. 
The leaves are arranged in a perfect symmetrical circle and the sky peeps through the gaps in between
Yes, each frond of the Coconut Palm is one leaf which is of the pinnate type. Coconut belongs to the Arecaeae family and its botanical name is Cocus nucifera.  I will not go into the innumerable uses of this tree .. all its parts have found their way into our lives and I am sure most of you must have experienced this! 

And here is another ‘new’ use for the tall coconut tree…

In Pune, they are always used to anchor cables as they are weave a web across buildings. Mostly these are cables for broadband providers .. the ones that bring fast internet to our PCs and cell phones.
Here are the same two trees hosting cables..
Even as I admire the leaves, I must add that the old leaves fall away .. this sounds routine but let me tell you that each frond is quite heavy and can hurt if it falls on any human walking/sitting below! One such falling frond caused a huge tear in the rexine top cover of a ricksha !! So always be careful when walking under a Coconut Tree! Falling coconuts can be dangerous too!
Falling leaves can be a hazard as are falling coconuts

Coconut trees swaying in a breeze are the most soothing sight, one that never tires me. We need not be on a beach to enjoy this as coconut trees are quite commonly grown in cities. 

Have you noticed the leaves of the Coconut?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!