L for Let Go

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.

Let Go

This post may end up being philosophical.. Now that we have become care givers for our elders, its important to accept this responsibility and not complain about it. Setting aside ego, grudges and discontent will go a long way in helping our ‘wards’ and helping ourselves too. Letting go of such mental baggage has made it easier for me to accept the circumstances and get on with the task at hand. 

Mind you, its not easy. Begin with something small or easy. Small wins at a time. 

Have you had to had to let go as part of care giving? 

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

And my sketch for the day is inspired by these glorious birds that I see very often on my morning walks on the tekdi. Usually  we see one or two Peacocks perched on the tree. 

See you tomorrow folks.
Stay happy!

K is Klondike and others

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.


Do i see you scratching your heads in confusion? This strange sounding word is a card game part of the Microsoft Solitaire App. I downloaded it recently and playing it has been a lot of fun. Relaxing. Challenging in a very timid way (if such a thing is possible!). In fact I got my ‘ward’ interested in it too and both of us ended up spending some happy hours moving cards around on our phones! Reaching higher levels meant a mini celebration! 

Already reached Level 6 in Klondike and Level 8 in TriPeaks.. Yay!!!

There are other simple games that one can play on their tablets/PC/Laptop or phones. Example Lumosity, Candy Crush, Angry Birds … Disclaimer – I have no vested interests in recommending these Apps. I have enjoyed playing them. 

For care givers it can be a fun diversion and elders enjoy these games as well. It can help with small movements of the hand, eye hand coordination, mental agility. There is tremendous joy in ‘winning’ or completing a level! 

Dont go by what I say. Try for yourself. Today!

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

My sketch for today..

See you tomorrow folks!
Stay happy!

J is Justify

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.

As care givers, our actions are often under that scanner and folks around us are always ready to tell us how to do something. While I have appreciated all such suggestions, no one can understand the compulsions faced by the caregiver. The aim is to make sure their ‘ward’ is being taken care of properly and is happy and healthy (to the extent possible under the circumstances). I have never tried to explain my actions to anyone. I am answerable to my conscience – and its a pretty hard task master I must say !!

There will be times when we feel dejected, and then there is no option but to just put our heads down and get on with the job. Do some mundane repetitive tasks. These will not only tire physically, help clean up the home and also calms the mind! example – cleaning cupboards, wiping windows, folding clothes and so on…

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

Here is my sketch for the day…

This has been inspired by an advertisement in the newspaper shown below

See you tomorrow folks!
Stay happy!

Twins (ThursdayTreeLove)

I spotted these trees recently. All efforts to take a ‘solo’ photo of them failed as it was a very busy road and vehicles simply couldnt be kept out of the frame. 
Going closer meant losing some part of the tree. 

Trees, Adansonia, Pune

 The twins look magnificent don’t you think??

So here is the Baobab that is called Adansonia digitata and belongs the Bombacaeae family. It is native to Africa and has been introduced to India hundreds of years ago. In fact, it seems to be quite happy here considering that it flowers and fruits happily. It can be easily identified by its palmate leaves and its huge trunk. The trunk is said to store water. In the above photo, the white flowers are of the Plumeria though the Baobab also bears white flowers.

I have seen this species at four other places in Pune and this was a new find for me! This is also my third Baobab post on my blog! 

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

I is Innoculation, Insurance

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.

Do I see your surprise at this word? Let me explain. 
It may so happen, that our ‘wards’ may be silent carriers of some infections for example Hepatitis B. They have never suffered any symptoms hence is never diagnosed. Diagnosis can be only when specific tests are carried out. 
Hence its a good idea to stay updated with immunisation programs. Get booster shots if necessary. Keep your own immunity high by choosing healthy food and regular exercise (to the extent possible amid your commitments).

This is very important as medical bills can be huge drain. Its vital to keep the insurance documents updated. Find out which hospitals honour the health insurance policy that your ‘ward’ holds. Also find out which conditions are covered under that policy and which conditions/services are excluded. 

Check if the cashless treatment facility is available. If not, what is the procedure to claim the amount later, which documents need to be submitted, time frame to receive your claim etc. If your ward does not have any medical cover, then the hospital bills will have to be paid upfront. 

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

My sketch for the day..

See you tomorrow folks.
Stay happy!

H is Helper

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 


These can be most valuable and indispensable to help us take care of our wards. Depending on the health of the senior/seniors we look after, the helper has to be a trained nurse else health worker. The latter can help with feeding, bathing our wards, taking them for a walk, reading to them and so on. 

This can be for either only during day hours or for 24 hours. In some instances, the wards need help with outside jobs like going to the post, bank, library, writing letters (yes some elders still do write with a pen!) and so on. In that case, help is needed only for a few hours. Then my city has the option of getting help from needy students under a ‘Earn and Learn’ project. The student comes home for a couple of hours and helps out with such tasks for a small remuneration. 

Here are some providers:
DISCLAIMER: I have no vested interest in any of these. Some were recommended to me, some I have found via Google search. 
Elder Care

Full time helpers can be costly but they are a huge help to us care givers. 

Obviously whether our wards are staying independently or in our homes, there is a security issue. Its a good idea to get helpers from a known, reputed Bureau and also get a police verification. Pune Police has a dedicated cell for senior citizens

Here is a peculiar situation I have seen..
I know of an over 90-year old lady with many maladies associated with that age. Her son is past 70 years of age and also suffers from some heart issues. Possibly he too needs some care. He too must be living off his pension. The grandchildren must be in their late 40s and in critical stages of their own lives. In this case, on whom does the onus of care for the 90-year fall? 

Where does the buck stop?

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

Sketch for today..

See you tomorrow folks. Stay happy!

G is Guilt

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 

According to the Collins Dictionary, it means “..an unhappy feeling because you have done something wrong or think you have done something wrong.” 

Seeing our wards in physical or mental pain, discomfort, confusion there is a feeling of helplessness. After my father passed away, more than once, I have felt that I could have done something more despite a sane assessment telling me otherwise. Should I have consulted more doctors? Should I have been more firm about them following doctor’s advice? Should I have not gone on the business tour? Had I ignored some complaints?….This an umpteen other doubts.

I have consulted with an expert. As long as one is doing their duty sincerely and with a clear conscious there is nothing to feel guilty. Its ok to want to take time out for yourself, go to the beauty salon as long as our ward is being taken care of. 

This definitely is not shirking responsibility. 

Little ‘breaks’ serve to keep care givers motivated to better look after our wards. 

Bottom line, there is nothing to feel Guilty about. 

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

This sketch will surely cheer you up! Inspired by images found via Google search

See you tomorrow folks!
Stay happy!

F is for Friends

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.


It is vital to have a social circle where one can simply be oneself, speak ones mind, not be judged for it and be sure it doesn’t end up as gossip. Friends can lend a patient ear to care givers and often that is all that is required. It may so happen that by sharing our problems (while taking care of our wards), our friends may also have been in a similar situation and offer useful timely advice. 

It doesnt have to be several people, even one good friend is enough. Someone you can call and speak with any time. 

I have drawn strength from our interactions with our friends and urge all care-givers to do so. 

Such friendships do not develop overnight. They need to be nurtured. Selflessly. 

A True Friend. Be one to someone and you will have someone standing  by you!
Of course, it could be a family member or spouse who is your pillar of support. 

Having said this, there is a flip side as well.

In my experience, there can be some so-called ‘friends’ who end up giving us negativity, low morale after meeting them. Many people of this category tell us sad stories of someone in a similar situation or dire endings.  They don’t really have anything concrete to offer. Such talk can also disturb our wards. I would suggest staying away from such individuals. I have firmly but politely dissuaded such visitors even at the cost of  being ‘branded’ as snobbish. Some members of the family too may fall in this category and they have got the same treatment. 

Its up to us as care givers to stay positive, motivated, happy and aim for the same mental frame for our wards. 

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan. 

And here is my sketch for the day…

art therapy, cupcake, sketching

See you tomorrow folks!
Stay happy!

E is Exercise

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.


Here I refer to physical activity for the care givers. Looking after a sick person is extremely demanding physically. It is vital for care givers to stay healthy and fit. Hence they must exercise regularly. He must continue to exercise at the usual health club. If care is being given at another place, then try to find a jogging track or garden close by where its possible to work out. If nothing, simply put on your walking shoes and walk briskly for at least an hour.

This not only gets the heart rate going, muscles working but also drives all morbid, sad thoughts out of the mind. Post work out, we become fresh and alert to continue the task in hand. 

Yoga is a good indoor exercise option. You Tube and other health Apps provide a huge variety of exercise plans. Choose a suitable one and stay with it. 

Never miss your exercise session. Care givers need those endorphins!

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan. 

Since we are talking about exercise.. today’s sketch is about taking our ‘ward’ for a walk… 
Like I said, I am not an expert, so please excuse me if the walker in the figure’s hand looks like a toy!!

ageing, aged, care giver

See you tomorrow folks!
Stay happy!

D is Documents

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.


Here in India, people avoid making a Will and its absence can create problems for any settlements that are to be made after elders pass on. A Living Will and Power of Attorney are other contentious issues that will also have to be prepared if need be. Elders do forget where documents are stored or even if they existed. Trying to get this information can be very tricky and very likely to be misinterpreted. 

Hence its vital to ensure that the bank accounts, bank lockers, mutual funds, stocks etc are not on a ‘single’ holding. Many a times, property documents are not in order. Time and other conditions permitting, try to straighten these out. 

So caregivers have to find a middle path. Or simply be ready for endless visits to the bank and other government offices as and when the time comes to change the holding pattern of the assets. 

Besides financial and real estate, medical documents also have to be kept safely and properly filed. Besides the Doctor needing them, they may have to be submitted when claiming health insurance. 

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan. 

My sketch for the day… Not one but two!
Both are from a Marathi magazine..

See you tomorrow folks with my E post!
Stay happy!