S is Share

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 


Being care givers means having to take umpteen decisions (about medications, therapy, finances, diet choices etc etc) for our wards. In addition to the stress and responsibilities of our own lives. This can double our load mentally.

It is vital to share our fears, reservations with a trusted person. It can be in the form of a support group or spouse or sibling or friend. A person whom you know will keep your trust, and not end up convert your thoughts gossip fodder. 
One can also write a diary or blog .. anything to let off the steam.
Group activities can also help share and relieve the loads of our minds.

Whatever the mode, sharing is important. It can also lead to help find solutions to some problem we may face as care givers. 

However, as I said before…
There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

Here is my sketch …

Art therapy, Pune

See you tomorrow folks!
Stay happy!

R is Routine

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 

As care givers, there is a whole lot of work waiting to be done (and more…).. and one may cave in under this load – housekeeping, medical followups, bill payments and all this at time has to be of two households. Its easy to miss some important stuff.

My suggestion is to make a strict routine for things to be done. Note it in your diary or simply make a chart and pin  the paper at an easily seen place. It can be a daily schedule or a weekly/monthly one depending on your situation. Make sure to allot time for your own exercise and some relaxation. 
Besides staying up to date with our commitments, it also helps to declutter the mind, and simply prevents unwanted thoughts from entering. Thus helps in managing stress. 

Do you have a routine? 

However, as I said before…
There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

Today’s sketch is an attempt to draw a bottle from the dressing table!

We reach the end of the third week of the AtoZ!
Have a great weekend folks!
Stay happy!

Q is Questions

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 

When faced with dependency, chronic medical conditions, mobility issues etc, there are bound to be umpteen questions in our minds. They may be about our wards health/medical condition or about ourselves and how we will manage the situation.

Its better to note down the queries and ask them to the doctors. If the doubts pertain to some legal issues then best ask a lawyer. And so on..

Never hold doubts or try to get an answer by internet search. It may turn out to be the wrong one. 

However, as I said before…
There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

Today’s is inspired from an image in a magazine.
We have more than half way through the alphabet.
How is the AtoZ treating you?

See you tomorrow folks with the R post.
Stay Happy!

P is Privacy

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 

As age increases, mobility issues creep in. Often elders are unable to carry out their basic care for themselves like having a bath, using the toilet, changing clothes, eating and so on. Irrespective of who helps them (we as care givers or professional helpers), these moments can be extremely embarrassing for our wards. It needs great sensitivity and empathy to tide over this phase. 

Similarly, as care givers, we too need to have some privacy and the best way is to have a space which becomes like an oasis to retreat to. It can be our home or any other place where we can be ourselves, unwind, vent our thoughts and clear our minds. This will be the care givers a neutral, happy space, an Oasis as it were to escape to. 
If our wards continue to live in their own homes, then everyone has their own space and privacy. 
Obviously, this may not always be possible. 

However, as I said before…
There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

My sketch for the day

This has been inspired by a Coir Coaster at my Mum’s place.

Meet you again tomorrow with the S post.
Stay Happy!

O is Own Surroundings

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 

Own Surroundings

When elders are unable to live independently, take care of themselves then arises the most difficult question of whether they should live with their children, in an assisted living facility or by themselves in their own home with some extra help.

I have seen first hand people living in all the above three options. I find that the last one – namely living in their own surroundings, within the four walls (metaphorically speaking) that they have spent so many years in is the best. They have their memories, neighbours, things around them which keeps them connected. Pets if any also make a difference I am told. It also keeps them occupied mentally, as they can stay engaged in supervising the housekeeping, gardening and any other mundane taskes. They have their own TV and favourite channels that they can watch whenever and however long they want. 

However, as I said before…
There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

My sketch is in line with my word of the day. It is inspired by an embroidered wall hanging..

See you tomorrow with the P post.
Stay happy!

N is Nursing

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting. 


This is a special type of care that family members may not be able to give. Sometimes we may be lucky to get trained helpers but it trained Nurses may be required. This can be the case when the elder may need daily injections, has bed sores or other wounds and so on. Home nursing care is available and care givers should not hesitate to their services so that the elders are properly taken care of. We lack medical training to do such specialised work and its best left to the experts. 

I have found that the hospital staff usually helps find suitable Nurses. 

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

My sketch for the day..

See you tomorrow folks.
Stay happy!

M is Money

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.

Money or Vitamin M
Talking about money can sound materialistic, opportunistic to some but the hard truth is that funds are required for hospitalisation, investigations, physiotherapy, helpers, medications and so on. Having a comprehensive insurance is a big help yet it does not cover several expenses. Example 24×7 Helpers at home, other domestic helpers. 

At times, our ‘wards’ are in a position to bear these costs. 
If not, it falls upon us to pay for the out-of-insurance help and treatment. 
This can stretch our own reserves and we must anticipate and plan for such expenses. 
If you expect to have to help financially, start putting away a small amount even before the actual need arises. Invest in products that allow quick and easy redemption. Taking a loan is also an option in case the situation demands.
I would love to hear your suggestions!
Of course, this does not cover any emergencies.

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

My sketch for the day…
Recently, our country rose as one and stayed on tenderhooks till our brave Indian Air Force Pilot Abhinandan Varthaman returned home. Sketching a Mig21 which was his aircraft (and also the one my dear husband has flown) was my first choice but I could not. Instead here is what I found via Google search. I have tried to show the aircraft landing. 

Inspired by an image seen on Shutterstock here

See you tomorrow with my N post.
Stay happy!

L for Let Go

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.

Let Go

This post may end up being philosophical.. Now that we have become care givers for our elders, its important to accept this responsibility and not complain about it. Setting aside ego, grudges and discontent will go a long way in helping our ‘wards’ and helping ourselves too. Letting go of such mental baggage has made it easier for me to accept the circumstances and get on with the task at hand. 

Mind you, its not easy. Begin with something small or easy. Small wins at a time. 

Have you had to had to let go as part of care giving? 

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

And my sketch for the day is inspired by these glorious birds that I see very often on my morning walks on the tekdi. Usually  we see one or two Peacocks perched on the tree. 

See you tomorrow folks.
Stay happy!

K is Klondike and others

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.


Do i see you scratching your heads in confusion? This strange sounding word is a card game part of the Microsoft Solitaire App. I downloaded it recently and playing it has been a lot of fun. Relaxing. Challenging in a very timid way (if such a thing is possible!). In fact I got my ‘ward’ interested in it too and both of us ended up spending some happy hours moving cards around on our phones! Reaching higher levels meant a mini celebration! 

Already reached Level 6 in Klondike and Level 8 in TriPeaks.. Yay!!!

There are other simple games that one can play on their tablets/PC/Laptop or phones. Example Lumosity, Candy Crush, Angry Birds … Disclaimer – I have no vested interests in recommending these Apps. I have enjoyed playing them. 

For care givers it can be a fun diversion and elders enjoy these games as well. It can help with small movements of the hand, eye hand coordination, mental agility. There is tremendous joy in ‘winning’ or completing a level! 

Dont go by what I say. Try for yourself. Today!

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

My sketch for today..

See you tomorrow folks!
Stay happy!

J is Justify

Hello and Welcome to my sixth attempt at the AtoZ blogging challenge.
My theme this year is Caring for the Caregiver. My posts are based on my experience and are not meant to be a comprehensive guide on the subject. I would love to hear your experiences..
You can catch up with my previous posts here.
With each post, I am sharing a sketch that I have done as a means for stress busting.

As care givers, our actions are often under that scanner and folks around us are always ready to tell us how to do something. While I have appreciated all such suggestions, no one can understand the compulsions faced by the caregiver. The aim is to make sure their ‘ward’ is being taken care of properly and is happy and healthy (to the extent possible under the circumstances). I have never tried to explain my actions to anyone. I am answerable to my conscience – and its a pretty hard task master I must say !!

There will be times when we feel dejected, and then there is no option but to just put our heads down and get on with the job. Do some mundane repetitive tasks. These will not only tire physically, help clean up the home and also calms the mind! example – cleaning cupboards, wiping windows, folding clothes and so on…

There is no one size fits all solution. 
Every family has to find something that suits them best. 
At best, posts such as mine will inspire a family to come up with their unique workable plan.

Here is my sketch for the day…

This has been inspired by an advertisement in the newspaper shown below

See you tomorrow folks!
Stay happy!