I see that papers and TV channels are flooded with everything that 2008 had to offer and what it did not. The highs and lows as it were. The faces that made or broke the year.
Wish List for 2009!
May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your cardiologist, your gastro-enterologist, your urologist, your proctologist, your podiatrist, your psychiatrist, your plumber and the I.R.S. /IT DEPT
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not fall; and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count and your mortgage interest not rise.
May New Year’s Eve find you seated around the table, together with your beloved family and cherished friends. May you find the food better, the environment quieter, the cost much cheaper, and the pleasure much more fulfilling than anything else you might ordinarily do that night.
May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them. May someone love you enough to forgive your faults, be blind to your blemishes, and tell the world about your virtues.
May the telemarketers wait to make their sales calls until you finish dinner, may the commercials on TV not be louder than the program you have been watching, and may your check book and your budget balance – and include generous amounts for charity.
May you remember to say “I love you” at least once a day to your spouse, your child, your parent, your siblings; but not to your secretary, your nurse, your masseuse, your hairdresser or your tennis instructor.
And may we live in a world at peace and with the awareness of God’s love in every sunset, every flower’s unfolding petals, every baby’s smile, every lover’s kiss, and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our heart.
Happy New Year!
I would like to attribute this mail that was forwarded to me to the original author. Do let us know if you have this information.
Rat Race…
The alarm tinkled but he shut the mobile up. He had an hour before his day began. He would steal five minutes from that. He had made so many compromises so far, how did an extra 5 minutes of sleep matter?
This was the only period in Vijay’s control. The moment he got out off bed some unseen force took charge of his life. He had his big car now yet he longed for the train journey to work. He would have to wait for another year or his next job for a driver.
His boss was a tyrant. Targets, deadlines, office jealousies… Unpretentious Ravi always seemed to please the boss. And Anita took full advantage of her sex to avoid any additional tasks. The earlier boss had moved up acting the Pied Piper for his old team! Vijay had again lost out to Hussein in that race.
Vicky their son, had to be dropped to school everyday on his way out. Asking his wife Sonya to do so meant inviting another round of arguments. Cosmo women fought tooth and nail to share every duty. Vijay wondered if village women were half as vocal or their voice ever heard.
Sonya’s job paid for the EMI on this swanky flat. His pay packet took care of the car, plasma TV and European holiday installments. His fat salary shriveled to peanuts even before it reached the bank.
With both of them working, Vijay’s elderly parents looked after Vicky. Sonya argued they too would benefit from Vijay’s success. Any way it was better than living alone in the village and looking after the fields.
Weekdays zoomed past, each day undistinguishable from the other. Weekends meant putting in that extra bit at work, the new boss expected it. Sonya would never understand. Lazy Sunday mornings were his only luxury before getting down to more work.
Behind closed eyes, strains of a Kishore Kumar melody stirred his mind. He rarely played the harmonium these days. Where was it anyway? Sonya must have junked it somewhere. Vijay had been an avid mountaineer in college often leading expeditions. Now he had difficulty in figuring out the easiest route around vehicles on the road. Amma faithfully dusted his books and read out stories to his son. Vijay remembered playing carom and cards with Dad but he had forgotten when he last played cricket with Vicky. Did his parents deserve to care for a child at sixty plus?
Suddenly he was gripped with the futility of it all. Where was he running? What for? Vijay was pushing forty and Vicky’s childhood would not last forever. He had to be a part of it. His parents needed to retire.
Through swirls of mist he saw yet another EMI for Sonya’s diamond necklace and a corner office beckoning him. Vijay felt himself being sucked into a vortex of his creation. The snoozing alarm tinkled again urging him on in the rat race. He shrugged away his blues and dragged himself out of bed remembering Robert Frost’s lines “The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep”.
Sawai Gandharva Music Festival 2008
The annual musical feast for Hindustani classical music lovers begins today as is usual at the New English School, Raman Baug, Shanivar Peth. To be held over four days the 2008 festival is particularly significant as Pt Bhimsen Joshi the founder of this festival has been selected for the Bharat Ratna.
There have been several bravehearts in the operation to end last week’s attack and siege in Mumbai.
Mumbai Ground Zero
What is happening to India?
As Mumbai bleeds it is for each one of us to extend a helping hand, put a balm in whatever way possible.
The most important thing is to know that as citizens we must be alert, responsible.
Not to give in to rumours and media reports that often only sensationalise the issue.
Going by their performance in past three days, they seemed more keen to be the ‘first’ to report something. Long haranguing debates and blame games.
Our prayers with the soldiers and other men and women who have braved this assault, their families who bear pain, indecision and grief.
Here are some voices, please click to read more:
Industry captains react
Little information, comfort from the government
India Inc calls for strong security apparatus in financial capital
What the international media had to say
This is a very relevant article in Marathi in esakal.com about how so called ‘Breaking News’ is actually detrimental. The Sakal dated 29 Nov 2008 also carries a similar article on the front page of how misleading ‘Breaking News’ can be.
Firebrigade men, Mumbai’s unsung heros
Jai Hind!
Why me? Why not?
Driving through Pune roads, can at best be said to be strenuous and every signal halt a gross waste of time. Yet these very halts offer a quick bargain as well are a pointer to the latest trends. Almost all major junctions have group of barely clothed kids selling seasonal goods. Come summer and one can choose from activity books for children, fancy yo-yos, rubic cubes, racket shaped battery powered mosquito killers and removable shades for your car windows. Its the time to pick up a few strings of fragrant mogra gajra’s and if you cant stand the heat, try out the portable battery fan.
Rain or no rain umbrellas are readily purchased in the monsoons, as the rainbow coloured accessories can serve as a self protection device too! Beat the ergonomics monster with neck supports in different colours for your car! Duster cloths miraculously appear as the windows mist over in the showers cutting visibility to almost zero!
August brings forth little tricolours to affix on your dashboard or desk too. The latest rickshaw fare card or boxes of tissues are perennially in demand. As the year draws to a close, the little urchins dart inbetween vehicles with Santa caps and stockings. A bountiful crop at Mahableshwar means strawberries galore at the traffic intersections. Getting delayed for that party? No problem- pacify your hostess with a huge bunch of roses or gerberas all picked up enroute of course!
I hate to give money to beggars yet the sight of a mother with newborn hanging on her chest brings out conflicting emotions. But these children were not begging just pleading with you to buy his wares….
They seemed not to have had a bath for ages… As for food, ribs and bone ends poking through the torn clothes told their own story. My fingers itched to pull out some tissues from the box she is selling to wipe the phlegm of the kid’s nose or swat flies settling on the wound on her arms.
Who funds these goods? Do the families selling them make enough to get two square meals?And many more uncomfortable questions…
Yet what do I do? Just turn my head away and desperately wait for the light to turn green.
Is there nothing we can do for these families? Should the authorities not be doing something? Can I do something? Should I?
Why me? But then … why not?
Marathi Fiesta
Published at Rediff.com/getahead on 18 October 2007:
Pune City can well be considered a foodies’ paradise. Gastronomic offerings range from top-of-the-line cuisine to street fare and everything in between, both desi and videsi, vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
A visit to Pune simply must include a typical Maharashtrian meal. Food is always served in a ‘thali’ — restaurants have a preset menu that is changed every week. A thali usually includes two vegetables, a dal, salad, rotis, rice, papad and vadas. Some offer more preparations of each type along with a range of steamed or fried farsans. Food is usually eaten by hand (unless you insist on a spoon) and most eateries have special menus on festivals or special occasions, which are advertised in local newspapers.
My tip — make sure to skip breakfast to do full justice at a Maharashtrian restaurant, even if your dietician advises against it! On the positive side, lunch is available from 11:30 am onwards, so your stomach fire need not burn too long!
I decided to shut my kitchen for the day and check out what some of the popular vegetarian eateries have to offer.
Click here to read more.
Amazing Multitasking Women..
“Whoever coined the brilliant word home manager has successfully made over the housewife’s job into a new age career. And ,why not? She may not have the benefit of training in a B school but her job profile is as demanding and deadline driven as that of any executive!
A general disclaimer is called for here. With increasing westernisation and a growing SOHO (small office home office) population there may be many male home managers today and usage of the word ‘she’ is for convenience and in no way meant to take away credit due to them.
First and foremost the work involves performance with six-sigma standards with hardly any room for errors- can you image the chaos if there is excess oil/ sugar/ chilli in the food or clothes with bleeding colours are mixed into the laundry! That would surely lead to a very ‘colourful’ dialogue the next day! …..”
Click here to read more……..
Divali Pahat- Celebrating Diwali the Puneri way
Here is wishing one and all a Very Happy Healthy Safe and Prosperous Divali!
With stock markets not offering much cheer I’m sure each one of us looks forward to more ‘Prosperous’ times.
In the meanwhile, Punekars are set for a musical feast in the upcoming Divali week.
Traditionally Punekars are discerning audiences and being accepted by Punekars is something all artists look forward to.
Here is a brief roundup of something to choose from on your दिवाळी पहाट:
25 Oct 2008: 7 PM :Ghulam Ali: Ganesh Kala Krida
26 Oct 2008: 530 AM: Sudhir Phadke’s songs by Shridhar Phadke and Kavita Jambhekar at Bharat Natya Mandir
26 Oct 2008: 6AM: Performance by Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa ‘young ones’ at Yashwantrao Chavan Natyagruha. This program is free so rush for the passes!!
27 Oct: 6 AM: Pandit Rajan and Sajan Mishra at Garware Sabha gruha
29 Oct 2008: 530 AM: Kaushiki Chakravarty at Yashwantrao Chavan Natyagruha
I may have missed some so closely scan the entertainment pages in the Marathi papers. Its worth going through the grimy black newsprint so brave it out folks!
Happiness Always!