Just watched the Marathi play ‘U Turn’. Its not for me to answer why many new Marathi plays have English titles but that in any way does not take away from merits of this play. The play explores loneliness of a spouse when a husband-wife are not together any more- either due to death of one partner or divorce. Some choose to go in for a ‘companion’ yet will society or more pertinently will their family members accept this arrangement?
The Son Rise
While political analysts may have felt slightly deprived at the speed with which our new government was formed- they had a field day in speculating and counter speculating strategies, names and potential situations if the Congress ‘allies’ had decided to support the government from outside.
Three cheers for the Indian voter
A vast majority who had geared for a long suspense about our new government were pleasantly stunned. By us of course, the Indian voters!
More about car colours and insurance premiums
My last post was about the relation between car colours and driving skills (06 May 09). To my surprise the Economic Times dated 11 May 2009 also carried an article on similar lines – relating car colour to insurance premium. Read the entire article here.
Of Car Colours and Brands
I recently came across this article that talks about car colours and insurance premiums and human personality. I know that colours are associated with emotions but this was new to me.
We Are Like That Only
Being an avid shopper and firm believer in ‘retail therapy’ I seized the first opportunity to read Rama Bijapurkar’s “We are like that only”. Besides all those wanting a ‘pie’ of the Indian marke, this book is also a must read for consumers.
At last, a Plant Hotel!
Each time I have to move out of Pune for more than a day, my biggest fear is for my plants. My small bonsai collection, few perennials and the usual foliage pots are my extended family. I had read of a ‘hotel’ for pets when owners travel or are on a holiday and desperately felt the need for a similar plant hotel.
Shoe gate
Its election time and in the current financial environment, politicians should be ready for the worst and I don’t mean only in terms of tough journalists’ questions and an irate and disgruntled vote bank.
Along with former US President George W Bush who had a shoe thrown at him other global leaders too have faced the same fate. The same offending flying object made its way into our Home Minister’s press conference yesterday.
Channels and other media are thoroughly dissecting this incident so let us just think what it means going forward…
- Security prior to entry to hallowed precincts to be graced by the political VIPs will be toughened. In addition to leaving behind our belongings, we would have to leave our footwear outside. But what of other tools like pens, stinky socks etc…
- Politicians must undergo training sessions to learn ‘duck and smile and stay cool’ techniques before addressing a press conference. By the looks of things, the current lot have done very well.
- In addition to learning tricks of journalism, newbie journalists and old ones too must undergo training to improve accuracy in throwing shoes.
- Boost decision making skills for journos- is one shoe enough, go for both of a pair or also take up the neighbour’s shoes. Others must train to hold on to their ‘soles’ if an emotional journo tries to grab their shoes.
Will the paradigm change to shoe being mightier than the pen?
What do you think?
Massage undoubtedly has several benefits. It has been in vogue since ancient times across several cultures across the world. Ayurveda accords tremendous importance to snehan (massage) as a preparatory to Panchakarma treatments .
A Classic Romance
I have decided to put down my ideas of books I have read over the years and ofcourse current publications.