D is for Diet

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet some not so sweet moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

Its quite fashionable to throw this word around but a correct diet is of utmost importance to a new Mom. Not only for her but also for the baby. 

There are umpteen guides on what to eat and what not to eat and with respect to the latter, I found that trial and error was the only way to decide. Something as basic as ‘ वरण भात ‘ (Varan Bhaat) – can cause the baby to suffer from Colic. (This is simple meal of Rice and Toor Dal or Arahar Dal or Split Pigeon Peas with Salt, Ghee and Lemon). 

‘डिंकाचे लाडू’ Dinkache Ladoo or Laddoos made from Edible Gum are a must for new Moms and grandmas are the ones who have to make it. This calorie and nutrient rich sweet offers a load of health benefits. Luckily I was saved the effort of making them as every visitor chose to bring this particular gift … We were inundated with boxes of Dinkache Ladoo.
All were identical except ones sent by a dear friend who said they were ‘कच्च्या डिंकाचे लाडू ‘ ..They looked and tasted totally different from the usual ones despite having the same ingredients. 

My daughter became a big fan of these which motivated me (yes me.. a reluctant cook) to get the recipe and make them. And yes, they passed stringent taste test …Yay!!!!

Pregnancy, delivery, dinkache laddoo

Do you make Dinkache ladoo?
What special diet foods have you made for a new Mom? 
I am sure my thoughts will cause a Deja vu to some of you, especially anyone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

See you after the weekend folks!

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  
All posts from a maternal grandma’s point of view!!

C is for Cry

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet some not so sweet moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants)and are not meant to be a guide.

Babies sleep, feed, play and cry! 
Its a most natural thing. My husband says crying is one of their ways of communicating with Mom.. maybe its something they don’t like, or they are hurting somewhere etc.. Its for adults to decipher what our baby is telling us and act accordingly.

In the initial week, I being the Grandma was expected to ‘know’ reason for crying and the solution.. Hungry kya? Wet kya? or Colic kya??

So burp the baby.. that’s easier said than done. We had been shown  different positions to encourage the baby to burp. All these images make the task look so simple, but trust me, its not easy.. 
While its considered bad manners for an adult to burp, that’s the best sound you want to hear from an infant!! 

Bath time is another situation when babies cry.. The trick is to have water at the correct temperature. In the absence of a thermometer, I simply dipped my elbow in the water and adjusted it till it was comfortable. Usually it worked!

What did you do when baby cried? 
I am sure my post will cause a Deja vu to some of you, especially if you have hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts
2013 Random topics
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

See you tomorrow folks!

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement. All posts from a maternal grandma’s point of view!! 

B is for Books

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet some not so sweet moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

Decades ago, I had referred to a book called Dr Spock’s Baby and Child Care… 
It was invaluable especially as we had lived in remote places (to put your doubts at rest.. let me say we always had a Doctor at our base) and this was a huge help..

That’s my decades old copy!

In this Internet age, I was unsure about the status of hard copy books and if they have any takers at all.

But I was pleasantly surprised to see that new parents in my family are referring to ‘books’ as I know them. Some of the authors have associated websites which means there is access to images, data and information that cannot be put into a book .

Yet another surprise was now, there was a Dr Spock series specially for India

What to Expect the 1st Year by Heidi Murkoff has answered many of our questions and doubts.

I am sure there are many more informative books. Which do you refer to or recommend?
I am sure my thoughts will cause a deja vu to some of you, especially anyone who has hosted a new born. 
I would love to hear from you!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 
2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

See you tomorrow folks!

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement. 
All posts from a maternal grandma’s point of view!!

A for Advice

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Sweet moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are certainly not meant to be a guide. 

A is for Advice! Does that sound strange for or from a grandmother? 

When I became a grandmother..  advice poured in from everywhere.. all contradictory to each other.. some of it mired in old customs, some practical and some simply idiotic. 
Finally I chose to follow the doctor and just ignored the others. Some persistent advisers had to be firmly told to refrain and this was not a comfortable task. Yet it had to be done. 

A few years ago, when I tried to give Advice to my newly married daughter, I was gently but firmly turned away. Naturally I was a bit upset.. But when I heard her explanation, I thought my heart and head would burst with pride.

“Did you not do everything by yourself Ma living in far away isolated places? Then why can I not do so in the city?” (She was referring to our stays in remote places in India where my Fighter Pilot husband was posted.) 
I had obviously done something right to have brought up a sensible girl. 
Thereafter I stepped back and made it known that I was available if and when she needed help or advice. 
I followed this through her pregnancy and now even as the baby is growing. 

Bottom line, give advice when asked for. 
Similarly, when in need, seek advice without inhibition or fear of what people will say. For everything else there is Google! 😉

Do you face an Advice overload? How do you deal with it?Are you a prolific advice-giver?  
I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a newborn! I would love to hear from you!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 
2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

See you tomorrow folks! I would love to hear from you!

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement. All posts from a maternal grandma’s point of view!!

Holy Tree (ThursdayTreeLove)

What do you first see in this image? 
This photo has been taken by my husband to catch the first golden rays of the Sun reaching this small Maruti temple on our walk route. What struck me was the perfect V shape flare of the Peepal tree that grows right behind it. 

The Peepal is yet another Ficus variety common in my city and goes by the botanical name Ficus religiosa. It belongs to the Moraceae family and exudes milky sap when a branch is broken. This tree has typically heart shaped leaves with a long tail.. some of us have preserved these in books whereby they dry up and only the intricate venation is visible. It loses all its leaves in spring and is covered with lovely new red leaves. 


I wonder if this lovely leaf could have been the inspiration for the famous Paisley design??!!

Unlike other Ficus varieties, I have not seen aerial roots on the Peepal. It is usually seen in temples and as a roadside tree often growing to a mammoth size and provides welcome shade for any and everyone! 

I am sure all of you must be familiar with the Peepal. And its a popular tree on the fantastic ThursdayTreeLove blog hop hosted by Parul. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. If you have an image of a tree you like, then do join! 

2020 AtoZ Theme Reveal

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 
2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

To become a grandmother for the first time has meant precious days, highly emotional, highly demanding and filled with gratitude for the Almighty. 

People think that become a grandmother means she (in this case me) is immediately endowed with solutions, tips, knowledge of how to handle the newborn. That may have been true in bygone times when every house hold had many kids and grandkids. But we live in an age of small nuclear families and most of us have one or two children. Some are DINK couples (Double Income No Kids). The joint family concept is almost over. 

So for me, the job of a grandmother has been learning on the go. A fulfilling responsiblity that has had me reading, learning many new things. 

You see, medical science has evolved in past few decades  – Obstetrics and even care of newborns (Neonatology) has new concepts. One cannot be stuck in the past and I have had to adapt and fast. Of course there is space for the traditional time tested customs and I have tried to fuse traditional with modern. 

Grandma duties include looking after baby, letting the new Mom rest as much as possible, ensure she gets her nutrituve meals on time, deal with visitors and at times even refuse them visiting (even at the cost of misunderstanding), ensure that the laundry and other usual home chores go on as usual. I specifically mention laundry as baby clothes need special attention. 
This is just for starters. There is no place for complaining or anything that lane. No comparisons either.

I now realise the efforts my Mother (and Mother-in-law) had made years go to ensure I had a comfortable and happy time with a smooth transition. 

Now it was my turn.

By now you must have guessed my theme.. 

Yessss… it is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Sweet moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you, especially anyone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

So buckle up folks and come back on 1 April 2020 because that’s when this great blogathon gets going. 

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts from a maternal grandma’s point of view!!

Coffee Tales (ThursdayTreeLove)

This gnarled looking trunk is that of a Coffee tree! I am sure all those who have travelled to Coorg would have seen these.. It was wonderful to see the origin of something that was my saviour from drinking plain milk in childhood! 

Hence for a long time, Coffee, to me, meant the instant variety  in powder form that came out of a bottle. 

Later, I was intrigued by the strong aroma outside a coffee bean shop and as the years passed, I made lifelong friends with the ‘filter kapi’! The logical next step was to see a coffee plantation but it was only recently that this materialised.

And the wait was worth it.

The brown seeds we use are from the fruit of the plant Coffea canephora or Coffea arabica (Robusta or Arabica varieties) which belong to the Rubiaceae family. It is shrub like or a small tree and blooms profusely in February and I was told they set off a heady fragrance in the entire neighbourhood. Soon green fruit called a Berry develop which turn to red and then black when dry. It has two seeds. The fruit has to be processed to get the seeds which can then be roasted and powdered to give us that out-of-this world, mood elevator, ice breaker, life saver beverage we call coffee! 

Here are some more images..
Berries PC @puneribaker
Berries ripening to red PC @puneribaker

The trunk is used to make lamp stands which will hold a place of pride in any drawing room. Here it has been used to make a sign post. 
Baba Budan has been credited with bringing coffee to India and the rest is history as they say.

Coffee has the characteristic of creating strong fans who refuse to drink Tea. At least it has done so in my family!! 
Have you noticed this? 
Have you seen the coffee tree? Do you enjoy Coffee or Tea?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. It is live on the second and fourth Thursday every month. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in with your tree!

Witness (ThursdayTreeLove)

Can anyone guess where this image has been taken?

Ok, let’s not spend time on guessing games.. This gnarled tree is some species of Eucalyptus that I spotted at the Sanchi Stupa complex. It seemed really old and possibly has witnessed some the great events that occurred at this site. Or maybe it was planted later.. 

Heritage sites are usually home to old trees which are just as spectacular as the structures there. I have seen lovely trees at the Qutub Minar and at Hampi as well.

Have you noticed the trees when you visit a heritage or archaeological site? 
If they could only tell us their version of the events they must have witnessed!!

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic images from around the world. Better still, join in!

Hairy (ThursdayTreeLove)

Ficus is a species indigenous to our country and I found 35 different species of ficus on the Flowers of India website.

Amazing indeed! 

Today I have a Ficus microcarpa from the Deccan College in Pune. It is also called ‘Nandruk’ in Marathi. It grows to be a massive shady tree and boasts these delicate hair like aerial roots. These are very unlike thick aerial roots that develop on Ficus benghalensis . Its leaves and these thin aerial roots can easily help shortlist ID of this Ficus. Ficus microcarpa is a good choice to make into a Bonsai as well.
Along with Peepal and Ficus benghalensis, this Ficus species is seen frequently in Pune. Have you noticed it in your city? How many Ficus varieties have you spotted? The different species can be individually identified based on their leaves, inflorescence (Figs), aerial roots etc. All Ficus belong to the Moraceae family. Typically they exude a milky latex from the stem/bark if its cut and this feature is an important clue for family level identification when on the field. (Milky latex also seen in some members of Euphorbiaceae and Anacardiace families.)

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over  to see some lovely trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Towering (ThursdayTreeLove)

What is it that strikes you first in the above image from Leh?
The snow clad peaks in the background, or the cloudy sky and or is it the trees? 

Leh has a rugged terrain surrounded by the mighty Himalayas and the ground is covered with flora that can survive in the bitter cold. Apple, Apricot, Seabuckthorn are a common wondrous sight but these towering lean Poplars are equally eye catching. 

These are most likely the Populus nigra trees belonging to the Salicaceae family. (The same family as Willows). Male and female flowers are borne on different trees but the flowering season was some time away when I visited. 

Here are a couple more images of this wonderful tree. 

Straight trunk bole


Have you visited Leh? Did you notice these towering Poplars? Here is a list of some landmark trees of Leh. 

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Bette still, join in!