M is for Memories

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

As I mentioned before, I have attempted to try some kind of stitching as we waited for the baby to arrive. Making a  baby sized ‘Dupta’ is just what grandmothers do. 

Naturally, I wanted to do something different. I struck upon the idea to make something using cut pieces from discarded clothes of the expectant Mom and Dad. This was totally in sync with the Reuse Upcycle theme! My design was inspired by one made by my Mom for my daughter. 

Fabric triangles stitched together to get this intricate pattern

Initially, I thought of simply using running stitch to bring my idea together but it was not strong enough. Buying a regular sewing machine seemed to be a waste so I got a mini version which served my purpose perfectly.

I cut up the fabric into triangles and placed them together like assembling a zigsaw puzzle. Once I got a design I liked, I stitched the pieces together to get these two unique pieces. 

I call these the MomDad dupti!! 

What have you stitched for a newborn? What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you after the weekend folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

L is for Lactation

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 


Lactation is a part of breast feeding which is what a grandmother is expected to guide the new Mom to do. So I will I will take the liberty of focusing on some really useful aids that are now available. 

Over these years, luckily or unluckily I had almost no exposure to handling newborns, so I had no idea that there is new kind of expert called Lactation Consultant! I heard about them via the prenatal classes at our OBGYN. (Prenatal classes itself was a new thing for me!!) 
That’s when I learnt about different positions to nurse a baby.. If like me, this is a first for you, do update yourself here

Yet another master stroke by whoever designs such things is a range of products that has made the nursing process much easier and comfortable for Mom. Online shopping sites and regular stores offer a range of Feeding Pillows which are absolutely indispensable … ask any new Mom! They come in several shapes and some even offer back support! 

Just check out the Breast Feeding section of any online shopping site and you will wonder how we managed so many years ago! 

What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you after the weekend folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

K is for Knitting

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 


In my mind, a grandmother has always been associated with knitting. When I was awaiting our bundle of joy, i decided to  knit.
Easier said than done.
It was years since I had touched knitting needles, I could’nt locate any of my pattern books and I needed to get wool. Luckily for me, the wool shop had a Sirdar pamphlet for a cardigan for newborns. 

I did remember the Knit and Purl stitches but how does on cast on? Making friends with technology helped and I found You Tube videos describing the process in detail. Some videos described beautiful patterns but I was faithful to my pamphlet. 
After an initial test process, I was ready to take up the cardigan. 

I used every free minute with my rediscovered skill. Soon the cardigan began taking shape…

In a matter of couple of weeks, I was thrilled to complete my cardigan and even had the courage to take up the bootees! This turned out be a bit complicated but soon I had a lovely pair ready. 
I thought my work was quite neat,which emboldened me to knit a bigger cardigan for gifting … and a bonnet too.. Here they are.. What do you think?

Have you knitted baby sweaters? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

J is for Just Like That

Grandma, Time, and Baby: EVERY TIME A BABY IS BORN... SO IS A GRANDMA!new grandma graphics and comments

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

As we head into the weekend, let me go out on a limb and share some of the cute photos/GIFs that I have received via WhatsApp. 

                            Baby Sleep Meme: Vacuum going Car horn Mom closes Phone rings her eyesJust for fun! Favorite meme ? - BabyCenter
Specifically shared for Pilot Grandad

Grandma Loves Me!
For Daddy

                      For Mommy

What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

Have a great weekend folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

I is for Imbibe

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

All of us know the story of how Abhimanyu learnt the about entering the Chakravyuha when still in his mother’s womb. 
While that is a story, my mother-in-law has always said, that kids brains are like sponges till the age of 5 and they soak in almost everything we tell them.  This happens even if they dont understand what we talk. Overall it contributes to higher intelligence

I took it quite seriously with my daughter, and in the same vein, I speak to my grandchild about everything. Each day, I describe a tree that I see from our balcony, its family, flowering, etc. I try to talk about the birds in our area (though I am not a bird-person), my husband talks about flying, Hindustani classical music and so on.. 

I think you get my point. The aim is that his brain can unconsciously imbibe diverse information. This is naturally in addition to stories, baby songs and so on.. 

Before I am accused of information overload, let me assure you, baby simply dozes off when bored so naturally we have to stop! 

Conversely, this also means no fighting, no arguments when baby is around!

What do you talk to a baby about? What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

Another Use (ThursdayTreeLove)

Looking up to see leaves growing in perfect symmetry

I see this pair of Coconut Palms daily … From my window and every time I walk out.. ofcourse then I have to crane my neck to look up. The trees have soared over the years which means I have to bend my neck back a lot but the sight of the beautiful leaves is worth it. 
The leaves are arranged in a perfect symmetrical circle and the sky peeps through the gaps in between
Yes, each frond of the Coconut Palm is one leaf which is of the pinnate type. Coconut belongs to the Arecaeae family and its botanical name is Cocus nucifera.  I will not go into the innumerable uses of this tree .. all its parts have found their way into our lives and I am sure most of you must have experienced this! 

And here is another ‘new’ use for the tall coconut tree…

In Pune, they are always used to anchor cables as they are weave a web across buildings. Mostly these are cables for broadband providers .. the ones that bring fast internet to our PCs and cell phones.
Here are the same two trees hosting cables..
Even as I admire the leaves, I must add that the old leaves fall away .. this sounds routine but let me tell you that each frond is quite heavy and can hurt if it falls on any human walking/sitting below! One such falling frond caused a huge tear in the rexine top cover of a ricksha !! So always be careful when walking under a Coconut Tree! Falling coconuts can be dangerous too!
Falling leaves can be a hazard as are falling coconuts

Coconut trees swaying in a breeze are the most soothing sight, one that never tires me. We need not be on a beach to enjoy this as coconut trees are quite commonly grown in cities. 

Have you noticed the leaves of the Coconut?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

H is for Help

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

In order to ensure to properly look after Mom and her newborn , Grandma has to be on her toes practically round the clock. And NO. I am not trying to glorify myself. Ask any grandma who has been in my position.

So I had to recruit reliable helpers. In Maharashtra, we have a practice of special helpers who come in to give a massage and bath to the newborn (a very difficult task). I was advised to check if this lady suffered from any skin ailments, other infections.. that was tough…..I relied on references and then hoped for the best! 

Besides this, Grandma needs to have good advisors for customs that are usually followed with a new born baby. In my opinion, its a good idea to know what they are and then decide what to follow. 

There is nothing wrong or demeaning in asking for help. It doesn’t lower self esteem or reduce a Grandma’s importance in any way. That is what I learnt..

What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

G is for Grandparents

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

The word conjures a silver haired couple with happily wrinkled faces who find it difficult to keep up with their grandkids.

As I look around me, I find that people of my generation are fairly fit and only a few have chosen to turn silver! (Self excluded!!) We don’t really fit into the picture mentioned above.

In an era when family members live or work in distant places, we have to befriend technology. This has meant we have to learn to use the computer, email, smartphones, different Apps (for online shopping or food deliveries or digital payments) and so on.

I miss my Cassette collection of kids songs… Sigh.. And My brain refuses to let me remember beyond a couple of lines. Sometimes I only remember the tune, no words.

Very embarassing!

If only the cassette player was functional…

But.. there is hope!!! You Tube, Facebook are two places where I have found ‘old’ Marathi baby songs, poems and even stories. Yay!! 

What do you think of tech savvy grandparents? How have you used technology?
I am sure my post may cause a deja vu to some of you.. especially anyone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement. All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view! 

F is for Fit

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet some not so sweet moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

 am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a newborn! I would love to hear from you!

Is that a surprising topic from me? 
Well, grandmom has to be fit to look after her babies right? She is also managing her own household and job (if she is working), so staying fit is of utmost importance.

Its important to have strong, fully mobile and painfree knees.. As also to have a strong back and shoulders. Bending and straightening and lifting happens all the time and a catch or stiffness can really make things difficult. 

With a newborn infant at home, time is at a premium. I cashed in on fitness acquired by a regular regimen over several months.  Whenever I could, I did Yoga and Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutations). 

What has been your experience? 
See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 
2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

E is for Environment

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet some not so sweet moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

I  am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a newborn! I would love to hear from you!

That’s the buzz word these days. 
Conserve. Protect. Recycle. Upcycle. Reuse. 

Diapers seem to be one of the baby products that are most environment unfriendly. Practically, its not possible to use cloth nappies all the time and readymade diapers are a must for some occasions. 

I was pleasantly surprised to find that there now exists companies that make ecofriendly diapers for babies. They are chemical free as well!! 

Indeed awesome!!They are made from Bamboo or similar natural materials. I was also impressed by 98% Water based Wet Wipes. As with other ‘eco friendly’ products, these too, are priced more that the regular ones. 

Diaper inserts made from natural fibre

Continuing on the theme of Reuse and Recycle.. I overcame my aversion to the needle and thread and took to stitching. I even purchased a Mini Sewing Machine for this purpose! 

This was my very first attempt and I created two lovely ‘दुप्टी’ even if I say so myself.. But you have to wait for my M post to see them!! I only mention them here as I could successfully recycle old fabric to make them. 

I even stitched a baby cap ‘टोपडं ‘ from an unused blouse piece!

Surprisingly, I really enjoyed making them. It was my two-bit effort towards the environment.

I made the dark blue cap using the light blue one as a guide!

What are your thoughts on reducing the environmental impact of diapers? Have you reused any old fabrics to make things that babies need?

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

See you tomorrow folks!

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement. All posts from a maternal grandma’s point of view!