Y is for Young

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 


Every stage in a woman’s life involves a huge change.. its difficult to say which is a bigger challenge … 
– Puberty which changes a carefree girl to young woman 
– Marriage that makes her simultaneously balance the hats of a ‘daughter in law’, wife and professional.
– Motherhood which entails carrying, giving birth to, nurturing and then moulding the mind of her young one.
– Mother in law – this is equally challenging as she has to ‘let go’ of her child (son or daughter) to set up his own nest .. IMHO it may be more difficult for the mother of a son. 
– Becoming a grandmother.. again not something to be done lightly.. and this AtoZ is all about becoming a grandma..

The best part of becoming a grandma is that I can play, sing, dance with Grandbaba without inhibitions.. Baby talk becomes a norm as does miming nursery rhymes and stories.

I can easily avoid household chores and spend time happily playing with the baby. 

Hide and Seek, Catch Catch, Hopscotch (my daughter used to call it Stapu), making sand castles and card towers. Finding joy in a weirdly shaped stone or chase the butterflies in the garden. These are just a few of things I am looking forward to..

Its my time to a revive the child in me.. to become young again! 

I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver
Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

X is for eXcitement

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

X has always been a challenging alphabet in the AtoZ Blogging Challenge..
So today again I will use X to outline my version of what I felt and did…

eXhausted (on a few days)

eXcellent for SAH Grandma!!

All eXtraordinary and eXceptional feelings!

I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver
Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  

W is for Wear

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

What has been your experience? 

Considering that I have showcased my new found tailoring skills (you can catch up here at my E and M posts), I am sure you expect me to talk about clothes that I made for new Mommie or the baby.

Well, not quite.
I am going to talk about Baby Wearing.
Rather my feelings about it.. because there is plenty and more about it on the Internet. 

Buying a Pram was on top of my list of purchases for the baby and Daughter was quite opposed to it. Storage space was among the last of her reasons for it. Baby wearing is her chosen method to walk outside.. 

I freely admit my reservations to this. When I saw the carrier, I was in a tizzy… it will be too hot… baby’s nose will be covered… there will be too much pressure on baby’s spine… 

I read up about advantages of baby wearing.. and continued to have reservations despite having accepted so many other innovative ideas…

Suddenly, I started noticing many mothers in Pune wearing their babies.. at the local temple, at the store, on the Walking Track and one who was riding as a pillion on a scooter.. Whoa.. and all those babies and Mommies looked so happy. Besides it allowed Mommie to be hands free .. It was at that point when I began to cave in.. maybe there was some substance after all.. 

And there is a huge range of Slings to choose from.. best of all, Pune actually has a Sling Library where Mothers can try out different types to help identify the ideal Sling for them. 

This Grandma is yet to ‘wear’ our baby but I will get around to it soon.. Promise! 
Till then, I am scouring e-commerce website for a suitable Pram for baby and me to go  for a walk!!

Have you been wearing your baby? What do you  think?

I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver
Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

V is for Visitors

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

While at any other time, I love for people to visit us, I dreaded any one to call us with an infant at our home. 
I can almost hear the surprise in your mind, dear readers..
Let me clarify..

Traditionally, the new Mother and her baby were kept almost isolated.. Washing feet and hands was mandatory for anyone who wanted to see them.. obviously to protect them from infections. 
In our modern set up, it is a tricky job to ask visitors to do so..  People were actually offended when I asked them to. 

Of course Corona has now ensured everyone has reconnected with this particular and important hygiene aspect at all times. 

Then came the next hurdle.

Let me clarify again, at any other time, I am a welcoming host (I hope) but with a new born, my priorities had changed. Babies dont like to be held by strangers and many end up being upset with all that talk and laughter in the house – especially in the Flats that are now the common abode in urban India. 

Guests forget time – I take that as a compliment – but I had to choose between being a good host and a caring grandmother. I was way behind my chores. Asking guests to stay for Lunch or Dinner (or the meal at that time of the day) usually worked like magic! 

The mental anguish of doing the right thing, not hurting people was too stressful for me.

Of course all come with only best wishes and love for us and I appreciate the gesture. All had words of advice, some of it very useful. 

I know what not to do when I next visit a newborn. In fact its best to wait till baby is at least a month old. 

What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you after the weekend folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver
Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

U is for Unconditional

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 


Phew.. As usual, despite a theme, some alphabets are a huge challenge in the AtoZ. My thinking cap for today’s alphabet kept throwing out the above words..
That’s when I realised that for a Grandma to truly and properly do her ‘job’ in looking an infant and the new Mom is to be unconditional.

Do what is to be done with unlimited love, without expectations and no reservations and overcome my own reservations if needed. 
There is no place for ego clashes, petty behaviour

New Mom and Baby has to be focus of attention, as one needs to adjust to this New World and the other has to recover from pregnancy and labour. 

It is time for healing and nurturing.
Of welcoming a new family member.

Unconditional love. Unconditional care. 

I know you will agree with me… 
I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver
Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  

T is for Toys

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

As  we awaited our Bundle of Joy, I found myself in a totally new world .. one of baby products! I guess I must have mentioned this in almost every post, its a whole new game out there!

It is now all about sustainability, non toxic materials, learning experiences and so on… Ofcourse there are the usual brick and mortar but online shopping from various start ups opens up a fantastic range as toys go traditional. 

There are toys made from cloth, washable ones with non toxic materials. Some were so cute, I almost ended up ordering one for myself!! 
This cute cloth Elephant is actually a Rattle!

And there are wonderful books as well.. ones that afford a sensory experience for the infants .. 
These books have contrast colours and different textures 
What has not changed at all, is that we find toys at unexpected places around the house … under the sofa cushions, in the show case of the drawing room, even in the kitchen!

What has been your experience?
I am sure my thoughts may cause a deje vu to some of you, especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you..

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

Wispy (ThursdayTreeLove)

Indigenous, Tekdi, Lannea
We pass by this tree almost daily and February is the month when its most eye catching due to the wispy branch ends. It has shed its leaves sometime in November and bursts into these delicate inflorescence in February (usually). 
Here is a cropped image..

It is locally called as Moi or Lannea coromandelica

Here is closer look at the flowers.. 

Dont they remind you of the Mango blossoms? That’s because both belong to the same family Anacardiaceae. 
Soon these flowers develop into fruit.

Moi is an indigenous species and common in hills of Pune and there are a specimens that grow in the city as well. I have seen it in Pondicherry and even in Tadoba. It can be easily identified by its ashy mottled trunk and lovely leaves. Today, I dont have a leaf photo for you. May be a couple of months later when the tree bursts into foliage.

Pune hills have seen umpteen tree plantation drives.. and I have noticed that Moi is among the few that does well. 

Have you noticed this tree in your city? Or its wispy flowers?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Head over to see some wonderful trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

S is for Schedule

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

Time table or program..

Infants are their own masters, its difficult to have a ‘schedule’ for them. In our case, the closest we came was Bath time which was around 11am – naturally depending on punctuality of the concerned Helper. At times we had to keep him awake so massage and bath was not missed. Other than that, there was no schedule for the tiny tot.

I however did try to keep a time table. The main aim was that the household ran like a clockwork and new Mom’s diet was always spot on. It also ensured I had time for stock taking, cooking, extra cooking, tending to my Bonsai and the occasional nap.  

During the day, we also did not overtly try to stop sounds (Mixer or Cooker whistles and so on), the aim being that the young one gets familiarised as soon as possible. I read some where it helps babies understand the day-night concept. 
Practically, it meant, I did not have to shut doors when cooking or switch off the door bell! 

What has been your experience? Did you have a schedule for baby and Mom? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver
Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

R is Recipes

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

As I have said time and again, I am a reluctant cook, I was was really stumped when we returned home with a two-day old infant and a list of things the new Mom was advised against eating.
These are supposed to cause Colic and suddenly I was thrown into the deep end.
You see Potatoes, Baingan (Egg plant), Raw Onion, Besan (Chick Pea flour) were a absolute no no. This list also included Dals which were popular in our home.

These were not allowed

The Doc did say new Mommie could be safely given things like Moong, Chavli, Matki sprouts. 

These were suitable for a new Mom

Which meant I was frantically searching the Internet and seeking out friends who I know are creative cooks to help me plan tasty menu. My daughter did not complain too much so I think I succeeded.

Yet another of my Mom’s recipe was of ‘बाळन्त शोप ‘ Balant Shope. It is to be taken after meals and is meant to be anti Colic and help in lactation. It has  interesting ingredients that make it a tasty ‘मुखवास ‘ Mukhwas! Here is how to make it..
1/2 Cup Balantshop (Sorry folks, unable to find its english name)
1/2 Cup Til (sesame)
1/2 Cup Badishop (Fennel)
1/2 Cup Dry Coconut grated
Less than 1/2 Cup Ova (Ajwain or Bishops weed0

Roast lightly and add a pinch of salt. Grind if desired or eat as it is. This is what it looks like..

lactation, breast feeding

With a little imagination, I found I could manage without potatoes and besan. What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Random topics
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver

Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!

Q is for Questions

Hello! Welcome to my seventh attempt at the April AtoZ blogging challenge. My theme this year is Experiences of a first time grandmother! Some sweet, salty moments and learnings! My posts are totally based on what I felt (may even border on rants) and are not meant to be a guide. 

Questions questions questions
I faced many of them, some from the daughter, some came up in my mind .. all through the pregnancy and later with the newborn. Several websites of reputed institutions helped clear many doubts and in fact prevented us from tearing off to the doctor in the middle of the night. WebMDMayo Clinic, are just a couple that I refer to. 

I would like to recommend You Tube videos by Dr Supriya Puranik – she provides pregnancy related information in an easy to understand manner in Hindi and in the Indian context.

Then there were the questions by visitors – both friends and relatives.
“Does the baby cry?” An affirmative answer almost always produced a gleeful smile.. 
“Does the baby sleep at night?” A negative answer elicited the same reaction as above

Sadistic pleasure or simply stupid questions?? 

What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!

See you tomorrow folks!

Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts. 

2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver
Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement.  All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!