L for Lion


We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day twelve and the alphabet is L.

Today I will go with the traditional, age old teaching of L for Lion. 

The Asiatic Lion whose sole home presently is the Gir National Park in the state of Gujarat in India. According to the 2015 census mentioned on the website, there were 523 lions which was said to be a comfortable figure. 

Spot the lioness sitting behind the trees in the distance

We were lucky to see this pair walk right past our vehicle. To tell the truth, I was a little scared too!

And here is video of the same pair 

Panthera leo persica (which is their scientific name) is smaller than the African lion and has a longitudinal fold of skin along stomach. Further, ears of the male lions in Gir are visible as they have a less thick mane compared to their cousins from Africa! Here is wonderful National Geographic article about lions. 

They face threats as their habitat is slowly breaking up (as jungles are cut off) and poachers. Several efforts are on to help protect this great animal! 

Have you visited Gir? Have you seen the Asiatic lions? 

The next alphabet is M and and Is M still for Monkey? I think not… Hope to see you again tomorrow. 

K for King

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day eleven and the alphabet is K.

K is for King. As in the guy who wears a crown and sits on a throne.

Can something else also be called a King? The Lion is said to be the King of the jungle. Recently I had posted a Ficus Bonsai that was displayed in full royal style.

Today I have yet another candidate for the post of King.

Its a 250 year old Ficus tree that is growing at the Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden in Kolkata. The 1786-founded garden has a vast collection of lovely old trees. The main attraction is the Great Banyan (Ficus benghalensis) that is supported by  thousands of roots and is spread over five acres. Despite its loss of the main trunk in 1925, the Banyan is still ‘growing’ . The authorities have had to increase the protective perimeter built around it as the tree ‘walked’ eastwards!

Here are some images of The Great Banyan.

It stands on thousands of supporting roots

This video will give take you straight to this great tree.. 

I am sure you will agree that this candidate is highly suitable for being called the King!

H for Horse

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day eight and the alphabet is H.

H is for Horse. 

These days, the only horses we see in Pune are the ones at Parks that take kids on joy rides. Or the pedigreed ones that are raced at the Race Course. I am going to take a liberty and extend the word Horse to Khacchar or Mule.

A Mule is the offspring of a male donkey and female horse (wisdom from Wikipedia). I have never really given much thought to this animal till I went on the Hampta Pass trek. On that trip, the mules were the most important part of our support team as they carried all our bags, tents and other logistical materials. 

The unsung heros

In fact, our trek was amazing because of these silent mules that plodded along never protesting. Here are some images with my thoughts …

Every morning, the mules were assembled and then sacks loaded up for the journey

The mules always started after us and easily overtook us every single day. They could easily and quickly navigate the moraine unlike us two-legged creatures!

At the end of the day, they were left free at the campsite. 
This glorious looking place was a very challenging descent from the Hampta Pass to Shea Goru campsite. 

These silent hardworking heros made our trek the wonderful experience that it was. I simply had to dedicate a post to them!

F for Fitbit

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day six and the alphabet is F.

Well, I had learnt that F is for Fan but currently for me, F stands for Fitbit! And its great Fun!

That’s right… The activity tracking, bluetooth enabled device that counts footsteps, heart rate, sleep pattern etc. 

My first one was actually a hand-me-down when our daughter changed the Fitbit she used. Seeing how much I enjoyed the device, dear daughter and son-in-law gifted me brand new one for my birthday! 


Hence, I have taken up the #2019in2018 challenge that I had read about on Twitter. What is it? Quite simply it entails having to stroll/walk/run/sprint 2019 kms in the year 2018. Sounds intimidating right? Actually its not considering it is spread over 364 days and 52 weeks. Simple Math breaks it down to a very doable daily or weekly target. I can happily I can report that I am on track as of now.
Wish me luck folks! 

Even at the risk of sounding like an advertisement for wearable health trackers (and there are several brands in varying price ranges), I can confidently say, that I totally enjoy my Fitbit. I am quite addicted to analyzing my sleep pattern, heart rate, activity patterns. If I end up sitting continuously I get a gentle tapping on my wrist to remind to walk around to complete my 250 steps per hour. That will hopefully reduce the sedentary phases during my day.

Of course, it is possible to customise weekly goals and alerts so one just has to figure all the options on the app. It even puts up fun messages when a goal is achieved Yay!!!

Aaannnd… my activity tracking wrist band also shows the date and time! 

Since I began with F for Fan.. I will not disappoint you…  
Here is an exotic folded paper fan that adorns my home…

Fan, summer, wall decor

We are almost at the end of the first week of AtoZ. How are you holding up folks? A holiday is coming up and I plan to use it to catch up on blog hopping. 

E for Elephant


We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?

Its day five and the alphabet is E.

E is for Elephant. The first thing that will come to our minds (especially those from India) is the Elephant God Ganesha.

But today I want to share some images of elephants that we saw on a trip to the famous Corbett National Park. Here it is possible to view them living in free and in the wild. Its a common site to see herds of the gentle giants walking in the plains…

At times they do block our path and at such times, there is nothing to be done except wait. Patience is what is needed and tons of it! Sometimes they turn aggressive as they perceive the vehicles to be a threat to their calves
Obviously the elephants have right of way in the forest!

Going by the scientific name of Elephas maximus, the Asiatic elephant now lives free and in the wild only in specific protected forests. SInce 1986 the IUCN Red List, has listed it as Endangered. They live in matriarchal society led by a cow. Males (called Tuskers) generally leave the herd when they become adults and often spend  time alone. In fact, one must be very careful when a tusker is sighted especially if he is in a state of musth.

The above clip is of a lone tusker walking on the edge of some trees. Here is close up of the same guy

Same tusker, that’s about as close as we could safely get. Naturally, the vehicle driver had the engine running incase we needed to make a quick get-away

These animals are herbivores and consume up to 300 kgs of grass,herbs,leaves everyday.

That’s right. Everyday. 
The figure itself tells us the reason why elephants are constantly on the move- to search for fresh food. One herd will quickly exhaust available plants in a particular area and all have to keep moving to get sufficient food to eat. 

Intelligent as they are, they avoid consuming mud that clings to uprooted plants. How? Simply by just swinging the tufts and tapping it on the ground!
Watch it on the video below. (Video Credit : Mr Alhad Lele)

In summer, they also ‘spray’ themselves with the soft loose mud using their trunks. Strange as it may sound, this is said to keep them cool! Obviously, the animals love to take a dip in the water too!

Have you seen elephants out in the wild? Have you visited Corbett?
If not, add this place to your bucket list ASAP. Its wonderful!

Central Witness (ThursdayTreeLove)

NH4, Pune, Ficus, Tree

Many a times have I seen this tree growing on the median of the NH4 from Pune towards Satara. It seems to be a very old tree considering its size despite the heavy traffic on both sides of the road. I am really happy that whoever built this road chose to retain the tree during road construction – or could it be that it grew after the road was ready?

Whatever the case may be, considering its strategic location, the plant must have seen thousands and thousands of folks pass by, possibly travelling on a holiday, for work, some happy, some not so happy… If it could communicate with us, it would have some wonderful stories to share. 

This one seems to be a Ficus species. The almost perfect dome shaped canopy must offer cooling shade but its not a place were one can stop to rest!! 

I have spotted many such trees at other spots on this highway and other highways as well— a central witness to the progress of the region…

This post is part of Parul‘s #ThursdayTreeLove34. Do head over to see some amazing trees from around the world!

Root Skirt (ThursdayTreeLove)

Sunderbans, Mangroves, stilt roots

This tree seems to  be wearing a skirt!! That is what the magnificent stilt roots of this mangrove tree reminded me of!! 

What do you think? 

This is a mangrove species that I saw in the Sunderbans. They are adapted to grow in saline and brackish water and have special roots for support and to breathe. 

I am joining Parul’s #ThursdayTreeLove33. Head over to see some wonderful trees from around the world.