Questions questions questions
I faced many of them, some from the daughter, some came up in my mind .. all through the pregnancy and later with the newborn. Several websites of reputed institutions helped clear many doubts and in fact prevented us from tearing off to the doctor in the middle of the night. WebMD, Mayo Clinic, are just a couple that I refer to.
I would like to recommend You Tube videos by Dr Supriya Puranik – she provides pregnancy related information in an easy to understand manner in Hindi and in the Indian context.
Then there were the questions by visitors – both friends and relatives.
“Does the baby cry?” An affirmative answer almost always produced a gleeful smile..
“Does the baby sleep at night?” A negative answer elicited the same reaction as above
Sadistic pleasure or simply stupid questions??
What has been your experience? I am sure my thoughts may cause a deja vu to some of you especially someone who has hosted a new born. I would love to hear from you!
See you tomorrow folks!
Here are links to my previous AtoZ attempts.
2013 Mixed Bag
2014 Exercising For Fitness
2015 Gardens of Pune
2016 Herbs
2018 Contemporary A to Z
2019 Caring for the Caregiver
Disclaimer: My posts do mention some products or service providers but these are not sponsored and not meant to be an advertisement. All posts are from a maternal grandmother’s point of view!