Q for Queen

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day seventeen and the alphabet is Q.

Traditionally, Q is for Queen and today I will stay with the word Queen.

The only difference is that I would like each and every woman to be wearing a crown.

Here’s what has prompted this coronation…

Women devote so much time for our careers, families, homes that very often we put themselves at the bottom of the priority list. 

Well, ok, it may not be true for everyone.. so I can speak only for the ladies I have met over the last few decades. When in a crunch, it was always ‘She’ who did away with her free time/exercise/hobby and so on. 

I too am guilty of this. 

Let me add that this was a voluntary decision – one that was forced on me by my conscience. I have never really found out why since I was brought up in an open, progressive atmosphere and married into an equally open and progressive family.

Still it has happened. 

And then, a few years ago, I decided to put a stop. 

That’s when I decided that I need time for Myself. 

The world (read my family) can and does very well without me – that was a difficult one to digest at a great cost to my ego. But it set me free from myself! 

I have stopped carrying all worries of the world…. 

I am not perfect.

I have learnt to appreciate myself and accept my own short comings. I don’t depend on appreciation from friends/relatives to feel good. (But honestly.. it does feel awesome to be praised!)

I have opted out of the rat race long ago. Being a tortoise is good. It lets me walk on the path less travelled and appreciate what God gives me. 

Weight is not the sole criteria. Being fit is. Salt and pepper hair is to be accepted as are the knee caps and calcium supplements. Grey hair does have its advantages in being offered to jump a queue! 😉

Time marches on.Change is inevitable. Accepting it makes my life easier. 

I owe it to myself to be happy. 

That’s when I crowned myself a queen. 

These are my two-paise tips for every woman to be one! 

We are more than half way through the AtoZ challenge. Hang in there folks…

P for Privacy

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day sixteen and the alphabet is P.

Traditionally P is for Pen or Parrot. But in view of the recent outcry around the world and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, I would say P is for Privacy. Privacy or security of our data-  whether on social media or simply information generated by using our cell phones. 

This data breach has generated a volley of jokes and I will share a couple of them here- both received via WhatsApp. 

Mark Zuckerberg got involved in a car accident with an M.P’s son’s car in Delhi. (MP = Member of Parliament)

MP’s Son angrily: Do you know who my father is?

MZ: yes, his name is Jaspal Singh. He has 237 friends out of which 35 are women and your mother doesn’t know 10 of them. Last month he went to Thailand and he……..

MP’s son:  Bas kar yaar galti meri thi (Stop it, it was my mistake)

In the old days, such activity may have been called ‘spying’ but may have been used exclusively by governments or security agencies. We have read of letters being steamed open, phones tapped. On a general level, the neighbourhood shopkeeper knew preferences and ordering pattern of all his customers.  

Such monitoring of individual preferences has now spread to the digital world as people switch to ordering via e-portals, extensively depend on apps etc. Naturally, this info is much sought after by marketing companies. They use it to sell their products, subtly ‘guide'(influence) our thoughts and so on. 

When ever we sign up for a social media account, we first have to tick a checkbox that has us agreeing to their Terms and Conditions. This usually covers the way in which the company will use our data, jurisdiction for any disputes etc. My sole attempt to read these Terms and Conditions was discouraging – not because of what was written but  its nature. There was  reams of legalese – the implications of which were quite difficult to comprehend. So if I needed to use that particular service,  I simply ticked the check box and proceeded.

Like it or not, we are in a digital age. The SciFi movies of our childhood do not seem imaginary any more. Its almost as if the situations depicted in some episodes of the Netflix serial ‘Black Mirror‘ are actually happening! 

The Internet is here to stay and along with it the new age spies. Its up to us to use our discretion to keep these forces at bay. Learn to live with it knowing its disadvantages.  

Here are a couple of good articles about how we can reclaim our privacy.  

Is it time to go back to the old ways? Letters by Post, Libraries instead of Google to search and so on…

I would love to hear your views on this subject!

M for Magnet


We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day thirteen and the alphabet is M.

As far as I remember, we were taught that M was for Monkey. I have had my encounters with this species when we stayed in Tezpur but I shall save that for another day. Currently, the most relevant M word is Magnet. Specifically Fridge Magnet. 

Over the years, I had seen a few of them stuck on fridge doors but what really got me hooked (or should I say attracted?) is the sight of my friend’s double door refrigerator which was totally covered with magnets. Of all shapes, sizes and colours. A wonderful collection of places they had visited. 

That’s when I too began to specifically look for fridge magnets. Secretly maybe I wanted to match my collection with hers but I know I have a long long way to go. I have purchased some great magnets but some spots have absolutely nothing. In that case, I end up making my own. 

These magnets are perfect mementos – easy on the pocket, easy to carry and daily reminders of a wonderful holiday. Not to mention being the envy of all visitors to our home 😉

Magnet collectors are called memomagnetist – something I learnt from a magazine cut out sent to me. 

Here is my collection. A few friends have said I need a new fridge to accomodate these! I think there is plenty more space…

Here are a couple of magnets that I have made. 

A magnet that I have made for a significant occasion in our life
Yet another one I engineered….

I have heard that magnets cannot be stuck on modern refrigerators – especially the side surface. Some of my friends have ended up making a metal frame to stick their magnets. I guess I will cross that bridge when I reach there… 

So what kind of mementos do you collect on your travels? Do magnets figure in your shopping list? 

We are almost half way through the blogging challenge and at the end of week two. I hope fatigue is not setting in …

See you with my next post with the alphabet N.

I for Ink

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day nine and the alphabet is I.

I for Ink. Ink Pens.

We began writing in school with a pencil. Among the other perks of growing up to middle school was using the ink pen. The fountain pen as it was called brought its own set of difficulties. It often leaked and the stain was quite difficult to wash off. Preparing for exams meant we had to take extra pens as it not possible to refill ink from the bottle at the examination centre. 

Chelpark was the brand of choice and the colour was invariably Royal Blue. I know that other colours were available but Royal Blue was the only one in our home.

Image result for chelpark ink

I was thrilled when I was gifted a pen which had a sort of pump attached to the nib. This made refilling easy and clean. Then a few years later, we got cartridges of inks that we just had to affix below the nib. This eliminated the need for a ink bottle. 

I remember using ink pens for my Class X exams but just two years later, ball point pens were making their presence felt. My pencil box had one just as a ‘back up’. Soon these ball pens took became the writing equipment of choice. They lasted for longer than ink pens and were not messy. I think they won on the price front too. 

I was happy that my daughter used a fountain pen when in school and the Chelpark bottle again had a place of pride on her study desk. However like me, it lost the battle to new fangled Gel Pens. 

The green pen on the extreme right is a fountain pen.

I think, my handwriting was much better with a fountain pen as compared to the ball pens.

Today, we hardly write. Everything is either on the computer/laptop/smartphone. People voice-record lectures which does away the need to take notes. Students take photos of the notice board so there is no need to write down any time table. Shopping lists are on various apps. 

Ink pens are slowly getting redundant. The only time we use it regularly is to sign cheques or fill pay-in slips.

Do you use a fountain pen? 
Do share your thoughts!

G for Grass

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day seven and the alphabet is G.

G is for Goat. That is what I distinctly remember being taught. 

But then, goats eat grass. 
And grass was one of my theme ideas. So I sort of took the liberty and replaced the goat with grass.

Grasses belong the Poaceae family which a very large and very economically important family of the plant kingdom. Important because this family provides the staple foods that we eat, material for construction etc. Grasses are found almost everywhere and are generally annual or perennial in nature. My teacher cautioned me that grasses can be properly identified only when they grow flowers and that too using a hand lens or under a microscope. Which means, many of the grasses I have seen will remain unnamed.. 

Not to worry folks, this will not be a botanical post.

Here are some of the beautiful grass flowers. 

And do watch out for them the next time you go out for your walk!


Lophopogon sp

Chloris sp
Chrysopogon sp
Apluda sp

Themeda sp

Pennisetum sp
Setaria sp

This is just a glimpse into the great world of grasses.. 

Tomorrow is our first holiday of the blogathon. We return on the 9th with the alphabet H.


D for Dog


We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?

Its day four and the alphabet is D.

D is for Dog. 

Today I am taking the easy way out, by recycling one of my earlier posts from 2008. The reason for doing so is not laziness but simply that the situation in Pune has not changed much. The only difference is that now I rarely see Pomeranians or Dobermans as pets. Labradors continue to be popular as are German Shepherds. There was a phase when almost every dog lover in Pune had a Husky – but I dont see many of them on the roads these days.

So here goes folk. Enjoy…

I was under the firm belief that a dog is a man’s best friend. There are umpteen stories of a canine’s bravery and devotion to his two legged master. Yet I am quite convinced that things are gradually changing. Yes I do mean that Man could soon be rated as a dog’s best friend! My belief gets strengthened daily as I watch the world with my presbiopic eyes! Let me illustrate…

Pouring rain or freezing cold one finds the master out on the roads to enable this family member relieve himself. Despite the recent extended unseasonal cold, hard core late risers in Pune sacrifice their cosy razai to troop out to the canine demands. I must add that the pet too is well protected against the chill with woollen garments of various types- just one more design for Grandma to knit when she makes sweaters for her grandchildren! It’s OK to dirty the roads but not the house; that’s their policy! I have counted at least 5 dogs who treat the compound in my building as their personal toilet while their masters and mistresses indulgently look on! Is there no way to properly potty train dogs? I am told that in the US, the dog owners have to clean up the streets as they walk their dogs along.

Being health conscious I try to make it a point to walk my daily 6kms but often end up logging just a couple of kms. Before there are any doubts about my sincerity or hints towards laziness let me clarify that all shortcuts are necessitated by friends. You may well ask, what’s wrong with meeting friends? 

Let me explain- it’s not the friend that I am averse to but his four-legged family member. Even before our greetings are complete, the hound has already got his two forefeet on my chest and is trying to slobber me with saliva. The experience of a close up examination of the dental architecture of a panting hound is most frightening, not recommended for the fainthearted. All the while my friend indulgently says, “Polly won’t do anything!” 
Anything? I would be the one having to take 21 injections in my stomach if any of those pearly whites as much as scratched me! 

Then there is a bull dog who insists on following me as I try to get to my target heart rate. I should not be bothering really, the sight of the dog is sufficient to get my heart racing as it is! 
So you can well understand how my resolve to stay fit is desperately challenged each day. Why can morning walkers not bring along their pets on a leash? Of course in some cases, the sight of the duo is hilarious as one wonders who is taking whom for a walk as the dog surges ahead, pulling his hapless master behind him!
Visiting such friends can also be a testing time. Pomeranians tend to want to contribute to the conversation in a manner that leaves one temporarily deafened with their high pitched barking. Honey is one pooch who is most protective of her mistress’s property. She doesn’t bother with troubling her vocal cords though preferring to keep a malevolent eye instead, pouncing forth if I as much as move a finger to pick up a magazine as my friend goes off to get me a cup of tea and biscuits for Honey. Believe me I am too scared even to reach into my purse to make a rescue call on my mobile. All joy of meeting my friend is totally overshadowed by having to sit erect and immobile for the entire period. To add insult to my injury, my friend waxes eloquent on some of Honey’s frivolous antics as I am forced to make appreciative noises as I watch the DVD of Honey’s birthday party!

Then we have these well wishers who feed every stray dog they can attract. End result being that the dogs soon assume food to be their right, the area becomes a flourishing maternity ward and the newest entrants end up snapping at the two-legged legal owners! I am all for feeding a hungry animal even offering some shelter but not if it ends up being a public nuisance.

Dogs are of tremendous aid to differently-abled persons and children. Dobermans and Labradors do an excellent job to supplement our Police Force, be it to track down explosives or thieves. I can understand the companionship a dog can afford a child or as a beloved family member. However, it should not end up traumatising people around them and being a nuisance to society in general. Postmen, newspaper boys will whole heartedly agree with me I am sure!

These are just some of my Pet Peeves. It is really immaterial who is who’s best friend. The Earth belongs to all of us and we need to coexist peacefully. Excuse me folks I have an important task to try to reform my neighbour and or his dog…. Hey, doggie that’s my freshly washed car you are heading for…


A for Apple

This is my first post of the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?

Without much ado lets plunge right in. 

A is for Apple. 

This time tested phrase still holds the exception being that one is not necessarily referring to the fruit. 

One of my most memorable scenes in Forrest Gump, is when Forrest speaks of Lt Dan investing for him in some ‘fruit company’ … obviously referring to Apple Inc – the now iconic company.

As you may have guessed this post is about Apple products- rather what they seem to symbolise …

In India, Apple products – be they the iPhone or Macbook or the Apple Watch – do more that everything they are meant to do. They proclaim to the all and sundry that the device-owner  has ‘arrived’! So one finds that these folks invariably talk with their hands – extensively wave their hands (that happen to hold the iPhone X) to stress the points they make. Often words are sufficient to make a point which makes me sure, they just want to make sure we dont miss seeing the famous half eaten apple logo. 

I am told, that the email signature is also set to ‘sent from my iPhone’… 

Apparently once an Apple owner – always an Apple owner. Rarely have I seen people switch brands when changing their devices. So every time there is a new Apple on the market, these folks are seen queuing up. I dont think any other brand must have such fierce brand loyalty- at least in India! Its definitely an aspirational brand, something to be coveted. The company website itself has a list of Apple Authorised Resellers

Full front-page advertisement in the newspaper obviously indicates the iconic status and popularity of the brand

To cater to this huge demand, Apple devices are now launched in India almost at the same time as in the US. In rupee terms, the price is pretty steep. Thus, the new devices are objects of envy or pride depending on which side you are on! 

Do I own a iPhone you may well ask… 

Well, not a phone but yes I do have an iPad and its a gift from our daughter! So I proudly do show it off!


My iPad 

So, I guess, for me, A for Apple suggests a brand conscious person who has ‘arrived’!
I would love to hear your thoughts!

The King (ThursdayTreeLove)

Pune, Umbar, Bonsai

This is a very old and massive Ficus tree that I saw at the recent Bonsai Namaste exhibition in Pune (age was upto 150 years according to the organisers). In keeping with its status, the tree was accorded a royal status and displayed in this unique manner… 

A King among the other wonderful Bonsai trees…

Here is a closer look….

Pune, Bonsai Exhibition, Bonsai Namaste

Amazing isn’t it?

I am participating in Parul’s #ThursdayTreeLove36. Do head over to see some amazing trees from around the world.

2018 April AtoZ Theme Reveal

Hello everyone! Welcome! 

I am a ‘veteran’of the AtoZ blogging challenge, if I may use that word, and have participated four times. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 were amazing as I was able to focus and eventually get to theme based posts! This in turn led to me gaining immense knowledge of the Public Parks in Pune (theme for 2015) and Herbs (theme for 2016).

Hence having a theme for this year was almost a given. Let me tell you it has been a very difficult choice. After my experience with herbs in 2016, the plant kingdom was the the most obvious choice. 

However I realised that I needed to get back my spark in writing creatively so with a heavy heart, plants were put on hold. 

theme reveal #atozchallenge 2018 blogging

My search for a theme thus widened and almost literally, the sky was the limit. Then suddenly, I hit upon this idea of writing about a contemporary AtoZ , as seen from the eyes of half-a-century-old me! 

Ok… give or take a couple of years… 

The earliest memories of the alphabet are A is for Apple, B is for Bat. Does C still remind one of Cat? And what about D?

Do these time-tested alphabet-object co-relations still hold? 

I hope to put together 26 posts of some anecdotes, some observations, some experiences, some suggestions … 

So folks get set for a 21st century / middle-aged / Puneri look at what the alphabets mean to me now…

Fasten your seat belts, as this roller coaster takes off on the 1st April 2018 (and thereafter Sunday is a holiday on the April AtoZ blogging challenge).

2018 A to Z blogging challenge

Do stop by daily or as often as you can. 

I look forward to your visits and comments. 

2018 April AtoZ Blogging Challenge: 
Category: Personal (Journal, Diary, Musings)
Theme: What the alphabets stand for me in 2018