This was the view that greeted me as I paused to catch my breath when climbing this hill. The trees seemed a perfect frame for the river Moshi which is one of the tributaries of Pune’s Mutha River. It has a dam at Varasgaon and this is the backwater area.
We walked up at the start of June, when the city was facing a severe water crisis. The south westerlies seemed to be bringing in hoards of clouds which filled the entire sky.
For a change, the view kept me away from trying to identify the trees… Also they were on the slope and I was not keen on going too close to them. They are likely to be Jamun or Ain, two species which were common in that area.
I am joining Parul in her bimonthly ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see lovely trees from around the world. Better still, join in!