Red and Green (ThursdayTreeLove)

In May 2020
In August 2020
In May 2020
In August 2020

The Gulmohor (Delonix regia) of the Caesalpiniaceae family is a deciduous tree -which means it loses its foliage in the winter. Come summer it bursts into full red glory (sometimes orange).. but once it rains, the tree becomes a glorious green canopy.

Here are the images of the same tree in May and August! Nature has its own way of signalling seasons to the trees. Is it the temperature, position of the Sun, or something else?

Either way, trees dont need a calender .. infact, sometimes they indicate the upcoming season to us!

This is my TTL post from May 2020 – the very same tree in full red glory!

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove bloghop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Tigers Nest (Wordless Wednesday)

Last year we trekked up to the Tigers Nest, at Paro in Bhutan. It is an iconic monastry situated precariously at the very edge of a cliff at an altitude of around 10,200 feet. A visit to Bhutan is incomplete without trekking up to the Tigers Nest.

It is a demanding walk but the beautiful surroundings makes one forget time and effort. The walk is made richer as one can can spot amazing birds, butterflies enroute.

Here are a few glimpses … all images from my cell phone..

First glimpse. .there is it high up and far away…
The route meanders through an amazing Pine, Rhododendron forest .. steep in parts and gentle on the knees at others.
The gorgeous forest offers cool shade to the trekkers
Enroute one meets grand old trees!
There is a cafeteria at the half way mark.. And we got a tantalising glimpse of our goal in the distance on the opposite mountain..
Catching my breath!
Its been about an hour and half of steady climbing.. The Tigers Nest seems so close…but we have to climb down several stone steps, across a small bridge and waterfall and climb up again ..
So near..
The final climb up..
All bags, cell phones, shoes have to be deposited at this point.

I hope you enjoyed this virtual trek with me! I would love to hear from you!

I am joining Natasha in her #WordlessWednesday Bloghop!


Meena sat desultorily in the Mall guarding the numerous bags that Anu, her daughter-in-law had deposited in her care along with the children. Anu was getting her nails done.

Music blaring from hidden speakers drowned out shrieks of her grandchildren playing in the Kids Zone. The Game Console shone with bright lights which made it the top attraction. A toy train chugged past, whistling ineffectively in its attempt to clear its path.

They had been here since the Mall opened and Meena’s knees were protesting. Her feet ached from the unbroken Walking Shoes. Was her Plantar Fascitis returning? Walking on these super smooth floors was not easy at her age.

She was nursing an expensive coffee that had more froth than brew. It was cold now and tasteless . Maybe she should have opted for good old Nimboo Pani instead..

Meena had never understood the attraction of spending time in a Mall.

Before her patience was tested, Anu returned, smiling from ear to ear.

“Thank you so much Maaji. I hope the kids did not trouble too much. Now its your turn. I have booked a special foot massage for you. All you have to do is relax, I will mind the bags and kids.”

So saying she escorted a happily surprised Meena into the Spa she had just exited.

I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series using the word prompt ‘bright’.

Yellow (ThursdayTreeLove)

The almost mandatory photo stop in my daily walk!

What do you first see in this image? I know you will say trees.. we are on ThursdayTreeLove after all!! And you are right!!

Normally I would have admired the clouds or the view but this time the yellow blaze caught my eye. So much so that I walked an extra 500m to reach this tree.

No identification puzzles this time.

There grew a row of Peltophorum pterocarpum and all were in bloom. Their blazing yellow flowers were the head turners that day. This tree belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family and is known as Copper Pod Tree. It is a common avenue tree in Pune and its dense green foliage is made up of pretty feather like leaves . Its fragrant flowers give way to rusty red pods hence the local name Copper Pod tree. The Peltophorum looks wonderful in bloom as well as when full of these coppery pods.

Flowers and Fruit
Not native to Pune, yet the species is happy in the city with profuse flowering and fruiting every year.

As I said, this is mostly an avenue tree which means one cannot really sit under its dense cool shade or enjoy its fragrance … It is all in a days work for the Peltophorum to lay out a yellow carpet for morning walkers..

A yellow carpet .. image from a few years ago

Have you seen this majestic tree and enjoyed the fragrance of its blooms?

I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Amazing Ochna (Wordless Wednesday)

Its finally rained in Pune and my Ochna is welcoming it whole heartedly!

Here are its blooms .. used my phone-friendly macro lens after a long time!

Early morning!
Half an hour later
Close up
Yesterdays’s flower
That is not a bud! Its a flower from a week ago.. the sepals of the pollinated flower, close and turn red and then bloom again after a few weeks! The yellow flower is now a red ‘flower’!
The red sepals open to reveal the seeds! The seed is green initially and turns black later. The entire flower show lasts for over a month! (This is an earlier photo)

I am sure you loved these flowers as much as I enjoyed sharing with you.

I am joining Natasha in her Wordless Wednesday blog hop.


He looked around this office which had been his home for the last decade.

He had started as as a Lab Assistant and rose to be the Institute’s Chief Administrator.

Over the years, the primary school had grown to this premier stature. Professionally, it had been an immensely satisfying journey. Their new building housed a state-of-the-art Sciences Laboratory and a Sports Complex.

Being his last working day he was clearing out the office.

Books. Photographs. Mementos.

All packed.

Ready to move.

Except for one last thing – A file which was the only blemish on an otherwise spotless career.

It held correspondence about accusations against him about accepting favours for choosing vendors for the new Lab.

In the ensuing proceedings, his words had fallen on deaf ears.

The Board did not believe him when he repeatedly said, “I am innocent.”

Hence this premature retirement.

With a deep sigh, he picked up his bag and walked out for the last time, head held high to his new SUV parked outside.

I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series using the word prompt “innocent”

The Fall

Photo by Janko Ferlic on

years of staying behind books had left her with thick spectacles, an above average intelligence and low self esteem.

she spent hours in this library honing her mind hoping to impress Him. Did He even realise this?

He whom she had adored. He whom she idolised.

she was satisfied with the crumbs he threw her way.  an occasional nod.

but then something snapped today.  He had gone too far. 

who was he to comment on her looks or lack of it. 

His words had cut like a knife. 

the laughter of their colleagues made her feel about an inch tall. 

she had come here to hide. 

and there He was, so close to her.. beyond this row of books…. His handsome face lit by the hanging bulbs.

her heart beat faster… had He followed her to apologise?

his cruel laugh echoed as he described her to someone on the phone.

the bile tasted sour in Her mouth as anger welled up. 

this time he had gone too far. 

the authors sitting in their rickety shelves whispered at her. “Go Go Go Go.” 

without another thought, She gave a mighty push and the shelf obliged as the authors rained their disapproval on him. 

authors in adjoining shelves followed as She rushed out amid the sound of cracking wood and his screams. 

I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series.

Brush (ThursdayTreeLove)

A visit to the Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Botanical Garden in Kolkata was at the end of our trip to the Sunderbans. It was a botanically wondrous trip to say the least! The Garden itself is huge and home to unique trees like the famous Banyan

Here is another tree that I met for the first and only time! A beautiful red brush like structure beckoned me from a distance and located as it was amid leaves had me immediately thinking of the Shaving Brush tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum) which does grow in Pune. However when I went closer, the tree looked different especially its leaves. It was end of January and the digitate glossy green leaves suggested a different ID. 

Seen from afar

Luckily for me, the placard saved me the trouble and I could freely admire the Pachira aquatica without any stress of identification. It belongs to the Bombacaceae family just like the Shaving Brush Tree which explained the similarity in the flowers. Also known as Malabar Chestnut tree it is an introduced species in India. I loved its flowers which are nothing like those used for table decorations or bouquets. 

Flower and Fruit

Have you seen this wonderful tree? When in Kolkata please do make time for the botanical garden! 
I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove Blog hop. Do head over to see some wonderful trees from around the world. Better still, join in!

Tree Trunk