“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower” – Albert Camus
Looking at Autumn or Fall colours is a right on top of my Tree Travel wish lists.. I have always just got a glimpse of the glorious foliage never really catching the plants in their full Fall Glory.
As the above quote says, each leaf dons a spectacular unique colour that truly makes it look like a flower.
Here are a few images from my travels.. I am looking forward to the day when I can see the Fall Colours with my own eyes.. sigh…. Till then, I look forward to the TTL posts from around the world in the next couple of month..
I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!
Forty years ago, I came into the Haveli as part of the dowry that Badi Bahurani brought. Yet I spent all my time with Rai Bahadur Sahib. He loved the smooth feel of my skin, my colour and declared we were a good fit! He was indeed a visionary and I saw his company grow from a single factory to the current conglomerate. It was thrilling to see him plot the takeover many a competitor. Sahib was a workaholic and I wasn’t complaining! It meant we could spend more time together and Badi Bahurani was sure I was taking good care of him.
Sangram Bahadur learnt the ropes at Sahib’s feet and I watched him mature into an astute businessman. It was natural for him to take over the reins once Sahib retired and I continued to serve him. Sangram treated me with the same respect as did his father in fact even more so when both my arms were broken. We spent long hours and Choti Bahurani too joined us sometimes. I only wish I could hold his hand when he was stressed out when Demonetisation hit us. But I am sure, sitting together did give him support, peace and new ideas as our company bounced back very soon.
Sangram’s children were not interested in running and taking the family business forward. I had grave doubts about the future.
My future.
My worst fears were realised when Sangram Bahadur was forced into retirement due to a massive heart attack. Choti Bahurani did not put up any resistance to the next generation’s decision to sell off the company.
Suddenly I was orphaned. And sentenced to one corner of the storeroom.
The new owners had no place for a 40-year-old wooden chair. With broken arms.
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com
I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series using the above picture prompt .
Today I have a Shrub instead of a Tree but I am sure all of you will enjoy this plant!
The title has been the spoiler so no surprises about the identity.
Yes, these delicate flowers are of the Henna or Mehendi plant. Botanically called Lawsonia inermis, it belongs to the Lythraceae family (that is the family of Crape Myrtles). It is a native and evergreen species.
In my childhood days, I remember it was grown as a hedge plant – I was told that the leaves are bitter hence goats, cows stayed away. However neighbourhood girls always managed to pluck the leaves, grind them on stones and apply the paste on our hands. The red colour was sufficient attraction.. the design was simple – a circle in the centre of the palm and capping the ends of the fingers. There was no thought of making designs.
That’s my plant.. still very young.. Fruit of Mehendi
I do remember we used to put a dot on the forehead.. this is one part where Mehendi does not colour the skin.. the story was if the forehead skin took up the colour then that girl would be a Queen!
No… mine never did colour!
Over the years, this way of putting Mehendi has ended.. readymade Mehendi cones have replaced ground leaves and designs are elaborate.
I am not complaining.. I love the colour and the fragrance that Mehendi leaves on our hands!
Besides India, Mehendi is also used as body art is several countries. We also use it as a hair conditioner and to colour hair.
Here are a few images of Mehendi as body art.
On the top left, the artist is at work! The Peacock and Lotus are popular design elements.
I am sure most of you would be familiar with Henna/Mehendi .. Have you seen the shrub?
I am joining Parul in her ThursdayTreeLove blog hop. Do head over to see some fantastic trees from around the world. Better still, join in!
Priya had been thrilled to take up the Salon offer. Four sittings for the price of two. An unbelievable deal. At twice a month, she need not look for deals for their upcoming 30th anniversary. She could confidently accept compliments like “you look as if you were married yesterday!”
Appearances had unknowingly become a priority… and she had given in.. As an active member of the Tea party, Cocktail, Kitty circuit; she felt as if she had to look young 24X7.
But of late, this was becoming too strenuous. Suddenly the fine lines needed extra effort to be hidden and the greys appeared faster. Fatigue was setting in. In her fight with Age, the latter seemed to have the upper hand.
Priya was tempted to stop these frequent Salon visits but lacked the will power.
And then, out of the blue, the Lockdown happened. Everything was shut. Salons. Gyms. No parties either.
That meant her wonderful Salon discount could not be used.
After a few weeks of hesitation, she gathered courage to look at her reflection.
The fine lines and greys did not laugh at her.
When she smiled, they smiled back at her.
Suddenly the mirror became her friend as did Aging.
Anita finished folding a tissue into a fan and kept on top of a pile which she had made today. Since there were no more tissues, she started pleating her bedsheet. Tiny folds, each fold precisely put over the one below it.
“They really should be giving me more paper and I can’t find my scissors either..I will tell the lady who brings my meals. Is she Laxmi? Or Parvati?
And why am I here..I want to go home ..”
Anita tried very hard but could not recollect where she was. They said this was her home, but somehow she felt herself a stranger here. Her mind seemed to be shrouded in a thick fog..anywhere she looked was a blank..not even a faint memory.
“Maybe I should ask the kind Man who comes to check on me daily. How does he know I like Mango ice-cream? And rose petals to make into a rangoli**. He seems to know everything about me.”
The doorbell rang and his voice reverberated in the house.
“Kashi ahes? I have brought karanji for you today Aai.”***
So saying he sat down to feed her.
* Aai means Mother in Marathi
**Rangoli are designs created on the floor usually as an auspicious sign.
*** How are you? I have brought Karanji for you today Mother.
Abhi’s cousin had sequinned shoes and Abhie longed to wear them, the only time , when she had envied anyone. Sensing her desire Ma had got her similar ones as a trophy for today’s task. Abhi smiled in anticipation and excitement. After 10 years on this earth, today she was taking her first steps in the Parallel Bars. She commanded her unwilling limbs supported with splints to move ahead one excruciating step at a time. It was tough going.
Abhi thought she would faint as her throat went dry even as the twinkling shoes at the far end beckoned her forwards. She could see herself in the biggest sequin and the shoes glowed golden from sunlight streaming in from the window.
Abhi was almost there… She could sense Ma and Varshadi- her therapist, cheering her on but their words were drowned by the thudding of her heart. Three steps more, two more and then suddenly she was enveloped in her Ma’s arms, both crying copiously as if their hearts would break. Abhi tried to wipe her mother’s tears, which seemed to be glittering brighter than any baubles.. So what if her limbs were not fully under her control and her speech not clear? Abhilasha was one of God’s own children and ‘special’ to everyone else.
The shoes were a perfect fit and Abhi admired her multiple reflections in them. She was tired but agreed instantaneously for another walk. Her life journey would be rockier than most others but she could do it, she would!