Something to rejoice

Here is an interesting news item that appeared in the Times of India on 02 November 2007, that will gladden many a hearts!

According to a research carried out at the Granada University in Spain, a glass of beer is a better option than water to replace body fluids lost while exercising.

Read details here

Obviously this need not be taken as a license to go overboard. Remember discretion is the key word.

The bottom line: exercise if you want to truly enjoy your pint!


A blooming success

First published in Times of India, Pune Westside Plus on 16 Nov 2007
‘Florex India’ held at the Agricultural College grounds from 02-04 November 2007 was a treat for flower lovers.

The 3-day event organised by the Western India Floriculture Association showcased farmers, companies related to floriculture and industry experts from across the country and abroad. Poinsettias and Orchids were in full bloom despite only being early November reflecting the influence of plant-biotechnology over natural growth cycles.

The first sight on entering the huge air-conditioned hall was a map of India entirely prepared using exotic flowers. That set the tone for the visual feast in the around 200 stalls. The predominant flowers were Roses – huge long stemmed varieties in twin or multiple shades and each at least double the size of what is commonly available. All these beauties are grown specifically for export with expertise from Netherlands and other countries in specially equipped farms on the outskirts of Pune. Despite the presence of thousands of roses, there was no fragrance at all, probably as they were grown from tissue culture techniques.

Large plate-sized Gerberas were yet another eye-catching presence. Bunches available at local flower vendors paled in comparison to the huge, velvety flowers with multiple rows of petals and double colours.

The Kerala stall had some exclusive flowers. Champagne ginger (of the same family as the ginger we consume) was a unique feature in the entire exhibition. It was rather like pinecones and was used in a table arrangement. Spider Orchids and Coconut Rose on show here again are grown specifically for export. Flamboyant Heliconia in red and yellow or pink and orange, Bird of paradise and different coloured Anthurium left no doubt to the origins of catch line ‘Gods own country’. Tamil Nadu too had a beautiful stall. Carnation and Lilium (both pink and orange) arrangements here silently invited each visitor get him/herself photographed with the blooms. States from the North East too had imposing offerings.

The exhibition attracted participants from Netherlands, Israel, Spain, Belgium, Japan among others. It was an eye-opener to learn that post harvest technology is a field by itself and several products to protect and hasten blooming of buds were on show.

A remarkable feature was that almost none of the flowers were on sale. One could buy the occasional Anthurim plant, Cactii (from the Orissa stall) or Poinsettia but no blooms. What one could buy was a range of saplings, some rare bulbs like Daffodils and Iris. There was a separate enclosure for nurseries where one could buy other plants, plant equipment etc.

The event provided a venue for those in the field to carry out business discussions and was a testimony of India’s strides in floriculture and agri-business. Do make it a point to visit such an exhibition next time around, to get a first hand view of our farmers blooming success.

Think about this..

Today India is poised to make a mark on world stage! Every company worth its salt is itching to enter our markets. Our huge population is suddenly lucrative to boost company bottom lines. Money experts speak of GDP and other gobbledygook terms but all convey a euphoric feeling about the future.

Other than their 12 hours put in at work what are the same millions doing about progress? We are full of ideas about how the authorities must solve civic issues- roads, transport, garbage etc but what do we do? Break traffic rules and indiscriminately throw garbage without a blink of an eyelid. Any person who tries to do the ‘right’ thing is ostracised and ridiculed.

They say adults must set a ‘good’ example for children. With these actions what do we expect our next generation to learn? We ape the west in fashion; food and consumer trends yet conveniently ignore their self-discipline and respect for rules. Indians willingly follow rules when they go abroad then why not here?

Every one is eager to take the government to task with the RTI. However we get our act together before we can demand the government to do its bit. Ask not only what your country does for you but also what you are doing for it. Remember every right involves a duty on our part. We conveniently forget these basics learnt in school the moment we cross the threshold into adulthood.

The race for success must not dilute or erase our social duties. Its time we took some responsibility. Its one thing to talk of social change with a coffee cup in hand but quite a different cup of tea to actually have the guts to go out and take the first steps- alone if need be. Indians are an intelligent hard working lot so why do we find it so difficult to follow rules meant for our safety?

If even a fraction of our teeming millions resolve to make a difference I think we will see an overnight change in our country. True, infrastructure has to improve but till then the existing one has to be used effectively. Practising self-control is a good way to begin.

Can we promise ourselves to follow at least one traffic rule everyday? Is it so difficult? No more excuses. These are our roads. We too have to work to keep them clean and orderly.

Lets help this 60-year-old toddler to run. No more words and token gestures. Let our actions demonstrate our pride for India.

Jai Hind!

Happy Divali

One of our biggest festivals,Deepawali!
Wish you all a Very Happy Divali and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

Some may well question my wishing good health..
In today’s mad, fast world, each one of us is in a hurry to reach a goal. What that is may be unclear to some but its there…Just out of reach, always demanding that extra effort..

This leads to stress which affects men, women and children too.
‘Lifestyle’ diseases are accepted as inevitable instead of avoidable.

The body which is to take us to our goal itself gets ignored and abused in the process.

Result: Diabetes, heart problems, neck and back pain.

As we take a festive break this weekend, do spare a moment, reassess where you stand in life, where you want to go.
Are the sacrifices you make worth the end result?

Do resolve to make any necessary lifestyle modifications to stay healthy if you want to enjoy your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Hence the emphasis on Health.

May Goddess Laxmi and Saraswati shower their blessings on all of us.
Let the this festival of light usher in peace for all Indians!

Xmas Cake

November has begun. Divali is just a few days away. Most of us would have done some shopping, for the entire family and the home. Gifts too should have been taken care of by now.

However do spare a few minutes for something divine to be made next month.
That’s right, the Christmas cake.

I was lucky enough to have learnt this recipie from the legendary baker, Selvaraj at DSSC Wellington. I can share it with you but later…

Right now, what needs to be done is marination of the dry fruits.
Clean and put together equal proportions of dry fruits- cashew nuts, almonds, manuka (black raisins) and candied orange peel. Some tutti fruti will add to the bulk if you do not wish to add too many nuts. Walnuts are not be added at this stage. Add a cup of rum and one teaspoon of Cinnamon and clove powder for 400 gms of the fruit mixture. Mix all ingredients well.

Place is a glass bottle and leave till December. The nuts absorb the rum and the mixture dries up. Shake the bottle once a day to ensure even spreading of the rum which tends to settle down.

I usually do this in August itself but up to 2 weeks prior to baking is fine.

Do this today itself for a delicious Christmas cake.


Untidy rooms are healthy…

I have come across this story that actually advocates leaving beds unmade!
Yes you read that right…

Open the link below in a new tab to read the entire write up.

In case any of you has some information on the results of the next stage of research by scientists at the Kingston University mentioned in this article then do drop a note here. This article is dated 18 Jan 2005 but will be welcome news to many…


Get Ready to take on extra jobs..

Divali is just a few days away! Shops are ablaze with colourful lanterns, lights and many new decorations.
Many of us are getting our homes redone.
Some of us have planned to prepare new and old delicacies for the festivities.

Our physio clinics often see a huge increase in ladies with neck pain, shoulder pain or backaches post this extra work load.

Click here for some some basic guidelines to cook in a pain free manner…


Ready to Learn

This has been a difficult week for me. Reason? I was finding it really difficult to procure a particular soap bar. Elementary, you may as well say like the legendary Sherlock Holmes. But there was a huge barrier.

Seeing the deteriorating state of my kadahis my maid recommended a particular brand to get them to sparkle. “None of this fancy stuff you bring is any good,” she said. She however did not know its name. Seeing my confusion she helpfully described the stuff to me.

So I set off to the local shop confident of making a purchase. What happened was totally surprising. The shopkeeper was completely foxed by what I was asking for. Any fancy description seemed to draw a blank.

Finally I began with the description I had of the soap. I wanted a bar with a picture of a lemon on it! It had to have a particular fragrance. It was specifically meant for aluminium vessels. This brought strange looks from everyone on both sides of the store counter. I seemed like an educated lady, had come out of a car and here I was describing a brand like an illiterate person! I went from shop to shop with this detail but no one could provide me the right stuff. I did not even know what right was anymore. Did we really have such a large range of cleaning products? Then why could I not find one for my kadahi?

Here I was a celebrated hostess, shopaholic, mall savvy and alert consumer who could not get one bar of soap. My ego thoroughly deflated I picked up the first one I was offered at the 10th shop and returned home. ‘This is not the one’ my maid pronounced.

I gave up and told her to get a wrapper from somewhere and then went off to buy the kadahi panacea. I realised I had been on the wrong track all along. The joy I felt that day was something I had not felt even when I had managed to pick up the rare kantha sari at the monsoon sale!

The struggle was worth it because my utensils are sparkling now! Lesson learnt: Keep an open mind and learn from everybody. There is no substitute for experience and recommendations from such a person will invariably make a positive change.

Age should not be a barrier but mental attitude can be. Overcome it and open your mind there is a wealth of learning waiting for us!

This was first put up at the following site on 16 Oct 2007

Blast from the Past

Music produced today often seems like a one day wonder, hardly enduring the test of time. Numbers which can be heard at every party, paan-shop, mobile ring tone or radio is forgotten just as fast when a new one tops the count downs!

Why does this happen? Have our interests become so fickle and non-enduring? Yet a single melody from the days gone by ( I mean 70s,80s or even earlier) surely has the power to get us to pause, listen and enjoy. For some of us the tune may bring back fond memories and we can easily relive them as we hear the songs.

Those of us who love music may have SONY cassettes which were were common then (1980s). They were either C60 or C90s- the digits referring to the playing time. I have some which still play beautifully. Cassettes purchased today last probably just as long as the song does in our memory, irrespective of cost of the tape (which supposedly reflects quality).

A favourite of mine is the ‘Sunday morning show’ on Spin channel on World Space Satellite Radio. Rock pop music of the 70s, 80s is played with some interesting accompanying history by the host, Ravi Khanolkar.

So get out your old music, put it on better formats if need be and get back in touch with timeless melodies- irrespective of language or genre! Let the blast from the past revive and recharge you!
