X is for Xanthium

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. Today’s herb elicited happy childhood memories from my botany friends when I shared the images with them. Being brought up in the great city of Bombay (as it was then called) I was unfamiliar with this… Namely, kids often throw spiny fruit of this plant at people and watch it stick to their clothing. Obviously people in that age group find it funny!!

AtoZ blogging, pune,

So here we have it, X is for Xanthium strumarium which belongs to the Asteraceae family. Locally its called Shankeshwar or Ghagra in Marathi and another common name is Common Cocklebur. Naturally it was the bright shiny spiny fruit that caught my eye and some closer inspection of its leaves, stem and fruit helped identify the herb after I reached home. 

Ghagra is said to belong to Central America but it has now naturalised all around the world. The spiny fruit probably helps in seed dispersal by clinging on to animal fur. The herb has large lobed hairy leaves and the fruits are formed on the stem itself. The plant parts are said to have medicinal uses as well.

Have you any such childhood memories to share?

We are nearing the end of our blogging journey with another two days to go.
Hang in there friends!

W is for Withania

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. Today’s herb is of immense medicinal importance in Ayurveda, so much so that India Posts has issued a stamp in its honour! 

Image courtesy Department of Posts 

W is for Withania somnifera commonly called Aswagandha or Winter Cherry. It belongs to the Solanaceae family (Brinjal or Egg Plant also belongs to this family). Unlike most herbs that I have described so far, this plant can grow up to six feet tall and has hairy plant parts. The fruits are striking with as they are covered with the papery calyx. It is said that the berries can be used in making cheese to substitute rennet. Here is an image of the plant with fruit that I have seen at the Udan Biodiversity Park but my friends have seen it growing wild around the city as well. 

Ashwagandha, AtoZ blogging, Withania

Here is a study about the medicinal effects of Ashwagandha. Worth reading this but at your leisure…
We are almost at the end of our journey and I am sure its been a wonderful month!
Take care folks!

V is for Vishnukranta

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. Today’s herb is native to South America but is naturalised in many parts of the world, including India.

V is for Vishnukranta which is the local Marathi name for Evolvulus alsinoides belonging to the Convolvulaceae family. The herb is also called Dwarf Morning Glory. I have seen Vishnukranta growing on our tekdi (hills) and its blue flowers demand attention. I have found it to be prostrate and the branches spread out almost radially from a centre. The flowers, leaves and stem appear ‘hairy’! Vishnukranta is said to have immense medicinal value as well.

Vishnukranta, Evolvulus alsinoides

Evolvulus alsinoides, Vishnukranta

I have yet another medicinal herb for you tomorrow, I am sure many of you would have heard of it.
Till then, happy blogging!

U is for Utricularia

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. We are into the final week of the challenge, and here we are refreshed after a holiday on Sunday. 

Flowers are always seem to convey beauty and innocence right? But I was quite surprised to find that some flowers are beautiful but the plant is not quite innocent, in fact they are just the opposite. Carnivorous to be precise!

We came across this pretty green and purple patch on a rocky plateau at Kaas and before I could go into raptures, our guide told us that the plant actually  has ‘traps’ that could catch and digest tiny insects… Sounds gory right, but then that is how Nature works and the Circle of Life is completed. In this case, insects are attracted both for pollination and food. Usually, the flowers are tasked with attracting pollinators and the traps to catch and digest insects are another found elsewhere on the plant.

Surely plants make their own food? Of course, but carnivorous plants often grow in habitats that are not rich in nutrients hence have to become.. well.. non-vegetarian!

AtoZ, blogging challenge, travel , herbs

So here we have it, U is for Utricularia which belongs to the Lentibulariaceae family. There are several species in this genus and many are endemic to the plateaus in the Western Ghats. Here is a close up, but dear reader, please forgive my amateur photography skills. These plants were barely 10″tall when I saw them.

The Burmann’s Sundew (Drosera burmanii) is yet another stunning herb found at Kaas which is also carnivorous. 

Have you seen any carnivorous plants? Have you seen them in ‘action’?
I have yet another interesting herb for you tomorrow.

Till then, Take Care!

T is for Toothbrush Orchid

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. Today’s herb has a strange common name and I have not really understood why it is so-called as it bears no resemblance to the real object.

My T herb is the Toothbrush Orchid which doesnt look like a toothbrush at all.. The only resemblance by a long long stretch is that the flowers are all borne on one side, just like toothbrush bristles. I first saw this at the Kaas plateau and recently saw it much closer to Pune, near the Varsagaon dam. Those plants were only about 6″ tall, the creamy white flowers created a beautiful pattern on the grassy plateau. Young flowers are greenish white and change to yellow as they grow older.. 

It goes by the botanical name Habenaria heyneana and belongs to the Orchidaceae family. The Flowers of India website showed me 37 plants of the Habenaria genus- that’s huge variety is it not?

Tomorrow is the fourth Sunday of April 2016 and then we enter the final stretch of our blogging challenge. Its been a wonderful journey so far, I am sure you agree. 
Have a great weekend folks!

S is for Spermacoce pusilla

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. Today I am writing about a herb that I have identified using the Flowers of Sahyadri app- I think the id is correct but am open to correction from any botany experts..

This tiny white inflorescence caught my eye as we waited for the coffee to boil on our make shift stove outside a sacred grove near Pune. The perfect blooms seemed to reiterate the survival spirit of every living being however small! 

This Spermacoce pusilla commonly called Tiny False Buttonweed or Tarkadal in Marathi of the Rubiaceae family. It has a quandragular stem with tiny prickles. S pusilla belongs to the Rubiaceae family (Coffee family) and is native to India.

Sopubia delphinifolia is yet another pretty herb that is seen on Pune tekdis. Sesamum orientale has pretty pink trumpet shaped flowers and I have seen it blooming in the monsoon. 

Sesamum orientale

Do come round tomorrow for yet another beautiful monsoon herb. 
Happy blogging!

R is for Rosemary

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. Today’s herb is used widely in India and overseas mainly to flavour food. 

Any guesses?  That’s right, it is Rosemary. The botanical name is Rosmarinus officinalis and belongs to the Laminaceae family. It is generally errect with needle like aromatic leaves. I was a late user of this particular herb and am a big fan now. So much that I am trying to grow it at home. It seems to be happy here but has not flowered yet. Hence I am reluctant to use its still young stems and prefer to source my rosemary from the super market!  

Rosemary twigs ready for cooking

Tiny Rosemary shoots in my kitchen garden

As you can see from my bio, I am a reluctant cook, yet here is an absolutely divine dish that you can make using rosemary. Do not count calories because as someone said, whatever tastes good would be calorie rich too…

Do follow this link for the detailed recipie of Baked Potato and Rosemary Gratin, but here is what it looks like:

I am sure there will be no leftovers! 

Q is for Quick Weed

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Do catch up with the herbs so far, you may find some thing interesting, someone familiar. 

As expected Q was the biggest challenge but I finally I did find one herb that fit the bill… My herb for the day is Quick Weed or Galinsoga parviflora that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its an annual herb which is native to India, specifically the North East states. It also goes by the common names of Gallant Soldier and Potato weed. The botanical synonym is Tridax parviflora and one of its close ‘cousins’ Tridax procumbens grows profusely in my part of the world. At first glance the two plants have similar flowers and I have taken the liberty of posting a Tridax procumbens flower so you get an idea of what Quick Weed looks like.

That’s it for Q. I have something really interesting in store tomorrow for R. 
Till then take care!

P is for Pinda

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. The first time I saw today’s herb was in a lecture of our Field Botany class. The white blossoms reminded me of carrot flowers.

Pinda concanensis has delicate white blossoms and the herb usually grows on the cliff edges in the Western Ghats. My first encounter with the Pinda was at Kaas and more recently at Raireshwar Plateau. Pinda and many other herbs grow only in their specific habitats and one has to make the journey to those parts to see the plants up close. And the journey is totally worth it! Its easy to identify the endemic herbs of the Western Ghats once they are in bloom. 

endemic herbs, Travel, herbs, AtoZ

Pinda belongs to the Apiaceae family, same as carrots- which explains my initial recall of the plant. 

Which of the herbs showcased till now have you seen or used? 
Do let us know.
There are more lovely herbs on the rest of the journey till the alphabet Z.
Do visit again.
Till then, take care!

O is for Ocimum

I am writing about herbs in the 2016 April AtoZ blogging challenge. Most of the herbs written in this series are those I have seen or used. Today’s herb is used widely in India both for medicinal and religious reasons.

Beautiful flowers of Tulsi Photo courtesy @puneribaker
AtoZ, blogathon, tulsi
Photo courtesy @puneribaker
holy plants, offerings, AtoZ blogging challenge
Photo courtesy @puneribaker

That’s right, I am talking about the Holy Tulsi or Ocimum sanctum of the Laminaceae family. Many households have a Tulsi growing in their homes, in the balcony or terrace or garden. The plant has a long list of medicinal benefits. The Tulsi leaf is offered during pooja and is said to be the favourite of Lord Vishnu. However the Tulsi is offered to Lord Ganesha only during the Ganeshutsav period and not on other days of the year.

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) plant

The herb is native to India and has almost round leaves with a toothed margin. The entire plant is tomentose and fragrant. Leaf colour may vary from shades of green to reddish purple. The delicate flowers bear tiny seeds which are widely used as well. 

We are at almost half way through the challenge. How has it been so far for you? 

Good luck for the rest of the blogathon!