A vast majority who had geared for a long suspense about our new government were pleasantly stunned. By us of course, the Indian voters!
Experienced analysts and politicians could not gauge the mood of the people or even predict what was in store for them. Could it be that the voter finally will not be swayed by political gimmicks? Not fall prey to promises that he knows may never be fulfilled under the name of coalition politics? Developed the capacity to think independently?
At least some of these must be true. That alone explains the clear mandate (opposed to the fractured one expected by a vast majority) and clipped wings of regional satraps.
The voter does not always have to argue, protest, fight verbally. This is his power to tell the politicians that like all other jobs, delivery matters. Performance matters. They would be evaluated continuously over five years. Instead of an annual report there is only one report at the end of five years. Illiterate and poor our masses may be, they are not dumb.
The Election Commission of India did an excellent job of holding peaceful elections (barring a few incidents)- besides sheer numbers, extreme heat and security threats were issues they dealt with in a most satisfactory manner. Technology came to their aid in the form of EVMs. Obviously many would complain about the voter registration process, names going missing etc.
There is a lot that needs to be done- infrastructure (roads, electricity, clean drinking water and food for starters) and employment come to my mind first. Womens issues still need to be looked into- female infanticide, dowry. Obviously every one has a wish list.
Those who missed out on casting their ballot this time, visit the offices of the Election Commission in your city this week itself. Start the enrollment process.
Jai Hind!