Have any of you ever worried how waiters can carry so many dishes effortless around highly polished but slippery hotel floors? Many carry liquids, gravies and bowls all in one tray as they zip around catering to hungry customers. I was once at the receiving end when such an overzealous waiter tipped the contents of 5 finger bowls on to my lovely new dress!
Lets not go into what happened next, but I have come across this piece which will hopefully prevent such instances!
The Outlook Traveller October 2007 issue describes a hotel in Nuremberg that has developed a system of rails that automatically bring the dishes gently down to the table from the kitchen at a higher level. The orders too are to be placed via a touchscreen thus reducing staff to the minimum.
How do they manage liquids I wonder! Check out the magazine for more details but methinks this place must certainly be worth a visit!
Thats cool. Wonder how they do it.