A door with a difference! |
My Wordless Wednesday is back after a break!
This restaurant doesnt want us to waste time while waiting to be seated. Use the time to plan the rest of your day!
A khatta-meetha take on life around me through my presbiopic eyes!
In India, the FX channel was broadcasting the popular US serial The West Wing. I began watching as I am a big Martin Sheen fan but soon was totally enthralled by the workings of the west wing and characters therein. It was the seventh season that depicted the whirlwind election campaign in the US.
Image from IMDb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0200276/?ref_=ttep_ep_tt |
Coincidently we in India to have ongoing general elections and I kept contrasting and comparing the styles, rhetoric of the politicians. I realised there were many similarities in election politics – effects of conservative voters, immigration issues, religious beliefs, minorities and so on. Of course The West Wing is a TV serial but it must be based on some facts. Ours is a very real campaign with real issues. We will not know our exit poll results till May 12, 2014 but for all of April we were glued to the TV news channels, or on the Internet for updates and speeches and interviews. That encroached on thinking time for my blogathon…
April is also repotting time for my succulents. This meant having to take extra care of them post-repotting. The rising temperatures meant all house plants needed more attention.
This and more stuff had to be cleared off. And, no photos of my Jade and Adenium. They are camera shy!
Mess to be cleared after after repotting |
Then there was the Pune Heritage Week happening here organised by Virasat Pune. Eight days of a brilliant reconnect with the natural, architectural, cultural, artistic heritage of this great city (Pune). I could not miss this opportunity to see and learn about places, things so close to me. I met people who had lived here for years but had never visited heritage institutes right in their backyard. There’s a saying in Hindi “चिराग तले अंधेरा ” (Chirag tale andhera). Loosely translated it means there is darkness next to the flame of the lamp.
Heritage building in Western Circle of Botanical Survey of India |
Through April I read many wonderful blogs across the world. While I think I am getting along in terms of age, I realised people who are much older are ‘penning’ their thoughts …is that the right word? should it be typing or sharing 😉 That has motivated me to be more regular and creative in my posts.
Here is a list of some blogs that impressed me. Many blogs had interesting features which made the page more attractive and informative to read. Aaaaannd… most of them are women writers!
Here are a few, I will add these blogs to my link list on the right panel in due course.
Linda Maye Adams: Soldier, Storyteller
Debbie blog: Debbie the “Doglady” online
Vinitha: Pooh’s Den
Corinne Rodrigues: Everyday Gyaan
Shilpa Garg: A Rose is A Rose is A Rose
MAJK: Saffire Blade
Jetgirlcos: Forty and Fantastique
Usha Menon: Kuch Khatta Kuch Meetha
Rajlakshmi: Destiny’s Child
Sonia Lal: Story Treasury
These are just a few. The link list closed at 2015 this year which means there are many awesome blogs that I have yet to read. According to this article in DNA there are about 100 bloggers from India participating in the 2014 Blogathon.
Lets stay connected and share thoughts!
Thanks AtoZ and the team who kept us motivated.
Stunning models in fashion magazines look beautiful, lean and toned and whatever I do I somehow never achieve that look. Obviously a lot of it is due to superb photography, make up etc but size matters as well. I had a painfully thin frame and never ever was it considered to be beautiful. Rather it was looked down upon.
In my time, fat was beautiful.
Some years ago, the so-called size zero became quite the craze in India when Kareena Kapoor (an actress in India’s film industry) was down to this size for the 2008 film “Tashan.”
So thin was in.
Later on I saw the movie “Bride Wars” when this dialogue about a wedding dress by Vera Wang has stayed with me till now: “You don’t alter Vera to fit you; you alter yourself to fit Vera.”
I am not sure what dimensions qualify as size zero but I assume its something painfully thin as is evident in photos in the links above. Can one reach and stay in this size in a healthy manner? Obviously it would mean cutting down on food which will affect nutrition and energy levels. Will there be long term side effects? This is an eye opening article about models who go to all lengths to maintain the sizes required for their work.It involved eating less or not at all, sustaining oneself with drips but not much mention of exercise. The focus was only on the size and not on fitness. Fitness is not only size but involves overall strength, flexibility and endurance. Its the combination of these that makes a person fit.
But obviously the requirements of the fashion industry go beyond fitness. Appearances count.
So is it worth risking long term damage to our bodies to reach and stay at size zero? Thats a question we have to answer for ourselves.
If you ask me then its better to be happy with our bodies as God’s gift, try not to damage it wrong diets, wrong exercises, wrong lifestyles.
Stay fit all of you. Stay healthy.
Disclaimer: All
suggestions are general in nature. Readers are advised to exercise
caution before implementing them and seek expert advise about what is
suitable for their specific needs.
So why not get up an hour earlier, do a few Sun Salutations and then begin work? If its late then do some stretching
exercises to help relax the muscles.
Its all a question of having the will to do it. In London I have seen
folks jogging in parks in lunch hour. Initially i was quite amused but locals
told me these executives use any free time in this manner to stay fit!!
If Yes, I can is your motto you will find the time to exercise And
No more excuses.
Make this your motto “Yes I can”
Disclaimer: All
suggestions are general in nature. Readers are advised to exercise
caution before implementing them and seek expert advise about what is
suitable for their specific needs.
Ask yourself:
Disclaimer: All
suggestions are general in nature. Readers are advised to exercise
caution before implementing them and seek expert advise about what is
suitable for their specific needs.
Do i hear ‘ewwwwww’? But this is the truth.
Sweat helps our body to stay cool while exercising and heat to escape. I have read this somewhere “Sweat is fat crying!!” Hah! Does it mean more sweat equals more fat burning? No.
It naturally follows that the water lost while exercising has to be replaced else dehydration can occur. So make sure you are well hydrated before you start exercising, keep sipping water during the workout and drink water once you are done as well. Try to avoid the parched thirsty feeling. Weather you go for a walk or jog or are in a gym, carry your water bottle.
If you exercise for over 40 minutes, then you should consider commercially available ‘sports drinks’. They contain specific ingredients that the body needs and can be immensely beneficial. There are different types of sports drinks so read the labels carefully and choose wisely.
This is an excellent WebMD article about hydration. Do read it. Here is another comprehensive article from Bupa.
Just like dehydration, excessive water consumption can be harmful too as it can cause a condition called hyponatremia which means low salt levels in the blood. This is a possibility in endurance athletes and must stay alert to its symptoms (feeling disorientated, confused headache etc).
Stay fit, stay happy!
Disclaimer: All
suggestions are general in nature. Readers are advised to exercise
caution before implementing them and seek expert advise about what is
suitable for their specific needs.
Thus its important to add different types of workouts so our muscles are used to working differently and working with different muscles groups. These varying workouts can be spread over the period of a month. Practical examples: Walk backwards for a part of your route, jog sideways, cycle on a slope instead of the usual cycle track.
Here is an extract of a my Healthnotes column first published in the July 2009 issue of Windows & Aisles, the in flight magazine of Paramount Airways.
Disclaimer: All
suggestions are general in nature. Readers are advised to exercise
caution before implementing them and seek expert advise about what is
suitable for their specific needs.
So what are the exercises that must be done? Here goes:
For the shoulder girdle: Sit or stand comfortably with your head facing in front and chin tucked in. Carry out the following movements seven times each: Shrug shoulders; with palms crossed behind the head, move the elbows together in front and take them back; rotate the arms and shoulders clockwise and anticlockwise.
For the Arms: Free exercises like Push up, Plank, Triceps dips; machine led exercises like the Lat Pulldown, biceps curls and so on.
For the Neck: Chin tucks, Neck bends (sideways and front/backwards). Follow this and this link for a detailed explanation.
These suggestions are only indicative. Consult an fitness trainer or exercise specialist to find out what exercises you can incorporate in your routine.
Take care!
Disclaimer: All
suggestions are general in nature. Readers are advised to exercise
caution before implementing them and seek expert advise about what is
suitable for their specific needs.
The attractive ads and heavy
discount offers tempt us daily via print and visual media to sign up for group tours/guided holidays. We had booked for one such tour, I began to have last minute cold feet, would the tour be too hectic,
would I return tired instead of refreshed, would the change in
weather/ food/ water suit me… With a bit of common sense and some planning we had a wonderful holiday.
I would like to share my ideas that made it possible and hopefully will help you continue your exercise during your holiday so you can enjoy every
minute of it.
1. Closely study the itinerary of your tour. Usually the daily routine involved sitting in the bus for
long stretches (anywhere between 2-5 hours), and walking also between
1-3 kms daily ( if not more). Now remember this walking is different
from the routine walks which most of us undertake. On a tour one is
usually also carrying along a handbag with miscellaneous objects like
a water bottle, sunscreen, towel, a book maybe, purchases at the
souvenir store, umbrella/ raincoat and some snacks/ medicines. All
this can add up to 2 kgs not counting the camera whose weight varied
depending on the type. Also at home we walk in cooler times of the
day whereas here it could be at any time in the heat / cold or in the
hills. So one needs to prepare for that. I ensured that I was
walking 3 kms daily prior to commencement of the journey in order to
acclimatize. If you are not used to walking then begin with 20minutes
of walking and gradually increase.
2. Most cities in western countries have excellent roads and groups travel in high tech
coaches. This minimises the effects of jerks and bumps. But what of
the sitting posture itself? The spine stays continuously in a flexed
(bent) position, the feet remain hanging and the
neck faces severe torture if one takes a nap in a moving bus! Solution: Do proper stretches for
the back at the end of every day. During the journey whenever the opportunity arises, just stand up and walk a few steps to relieve the
The breathing technique is extremely important if you want to do these right else you will only end up getting breathless and give up. Thats what happened with me and I turned to my Father for guidance. Basically it boils down to breathing out when exerting or forward bending.
The Surya Namaskar is a tribute to the Sun so what better way to perform the salutations than by saying the names of the Sun. This is also a good way to count reps. Here is a list of the names of the Sun that my Father gave me. Its in Marathi but I will put those names in English for you. Its for 13 repetitions and those wanting to do more can just start over. I have pasted the paper on the wall where I exercise just in case I forget!
I have added the above names in English at the end of this post for those interested.
When time is at a premium, just do a set of 13 Surya Namaskar and you need not feel guilty about not exercising. It doesn’t need much space and done correctly the 13 reps will be done in a jiffy and get your heart rate up as well!
Different experts will suggest variations of this exercise. Its best to stick to one form and not try to combine them by yourself.
Disclaimer: All
suggestions are general in nature. Readers are advised to exercise
caution before implementing them and seek expert advise about what is
suitable for their specific needs.
Om rham mitrya nmaha
Om rhim ravaye namaha
Om rhum suryay namaha
Om rhaim bhanave namaha
Om rhoum khagaya namaha
Om raha pushpave namaha
Om rham hiranyagarbhaya namaha
Om rhim marichaye namaha
Om rhum adityaya namah
Om rhaim savita namaha
Om rhoum arkaya namaha
Om raha bhaskaraya namaha
Shri Savita suryanarayana namaha.
Adityasya namaskaraye kuruvanti dine dine
Dirghamayur balam veeryam tejas teshamacha jayate.