B for Ball

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day two and the alphabet is B

B is for Ball. 

That is the time honoured object that a child relates the second alphabet to. Possibly among her (used the feminine pronoun only for convenience – can just as well be him) first toys as well. As she grows up, the nature of earliest soft round colourful structure changes and possibly only the round shape remains. 

It can become either a football, cricket ball, tennis ball, table tennis ball and so on…

At my stage in life, ball only refers to a golf ball. Rather should I say, its the weird propensity crows on our golf course have found for golf balls. 

I am sure you are scratching your heads in confusion.

Let me clarify… Whenever someone hits a shot, no sooner than the ball lands on the fairway (or bunker) than a waiting crow swoops down and picks it up and flies away. All this happens as fast as one can blink their eyelids. Golf balls are not cheap and losing them on a regular basis can become stressful especially when the player may lose a stroke for the loss. To add insult to injury, the crows invariably steal the ball after a particularly good shot wherein it has landed in a wonderful position for a possible birdie. Suddenly, that word (birdie) doesnt sound funny!

A good shot lands on the green.. now possibly being eyed by a feathered foe sitting on a branch…

We first faced this in the North East many many years ago. However, I guess picking up golf balls from the course has become a very popular avian sport and its common in Pune now. Do the birds confuse the balls with eggs? But then these are pretty heavy and quite unbreakable. I wonder if they stash these in some convenient branch or trunk hollow but  we haven’t yet heard of the stolen balls being found. 

This is dear hubby’s stash of unopened new golf balls!

The above image is proof of the fear these birds have instilled in the hearts of golfers. They prefer to keep the brand new stuff at home …

So near yet so far..

Is this bird behaviour seen across India and maybe other parts of the world as well? 
Do share!!

The nasty me surfaces in the first question I ask hubby on returning, “how many pars for you and what’s the score for the crows?”


A for Apple

This is my first post of the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?

Without much ado lets plunge right in. 

A is for Apple. 

This time tested phrase still holds the exception being that one is not necessarily referring to the fruit. 

One of my most memorable scenes in Forrest Gump, is when Forrest speaks of Lt Dan investing for him in some ‘fruit company’ … obviously referring to Apple Inc – the now iconic company.

As you may have guessed this post is about Apple products- rather what they seem to symbolise …

In India, Apple products – be they the iPhone or Macbook or the Apple Watch – do more that everything they are meant to do. They proclaim to the all and sundry that the device-owner  has ‘arrived’! So one finds that these folks invariably talk with their hands – extensively wave their hands (that happen to hold the iPhone X) to stress the points they make. Often words are sufficient to make a point which makes me sure, they just want to make sure we dont miss seeing the famous half eaten apple logo. 

I am told, that the email signature is also set to ‘sent from my iPhone’… 

Apparently once an Apple owner – always an Apple owner. Rarely have I seen people switch brands when changing their devices. So every time there is a new Apple on the market, these folks are seen queuing up. I dont think any other brand must have such fierce brand loyalty- at least in India! Its definitely an aspirational brand, something to be coveted. The company website itself has a list of Apple Authorised Resellers

Full front-page advertisement in the newspaper obviously indicates the iconic status and popularity of the brand

To cater to this huge demand, Apple devices are now launched in India almost at the same time as in the US. In rupee terms, the price is pretty steep. Thus, the new devices are objects of envy or pride depending on which side you are on! 

Do I own a iPhone you may well ask… 

Well, not a phone but yes I do have an iPad and its a gift from our daughter! So I proudly do show it off!


My iPad 

So, I guess, for me, A for Apple suggests a brand conscious person who has ‘arrived’!
I would love to hear your thoughts!

The King (ThursdayTreeLove)

Pune, Umbar, Bonsai

This is a very old and massive Ficus tree that I saw at the recent Bonsai Namaste exhibition in Pune (age was upto 150 years according to the organisers). In keeping with its status, the tree was accorded a royal status and displayed in this unique manner… 

A King among the other wonderful Bonsai trees…

Here is a closer look….

Pune, Bonsai Exhibition, Bonsai Namaste

Amazing isn’t it?

I am participating in Parul’s #ThursdayTreeLove36. Do head over to see some amazing trees from around the world.

2018 April AtoZ Theme Reveal

Hello everyone! Welcome! 

I am a ‘veteran’of the AtoZ blogging challenge, if I may use that word, and have participated four times. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 were amazing as I was able to focus and eventually get to theme based posts! This in turn led to me gaining immense knowledge of the Public Parks in Pune (theme for 2015) and Herbs (theme for 2016).

Hence having a theme for this year was almost a given. Let me tell you it has been a very difficult choice. After my experience with herbs in 2016, the plant kingdom was the the most obvious choice. 

However I realised that I needed to get back my spark in writing creatively so with a heavy heart, plants were put on hold. 

theme reveal #atozchallenge 2018 blogging

My search for a theme thus widened and almost literally, the sky was the limit. Then suddenly, I hit upon this idea of writing about a contemporary AtoZ , as seen from the eyes of half-a-century-old me! 

Ok… give or take a couple of years… 

The earliest memories of the alphabet are A is for Apple, B is for Bat. Does C still remind one of Cat? And what about D?

Do these time-tested alphabet-object co-relations still hold? 

I hope to put together 26 posts of some anecdotes, some observations, some experiences, some suggestions … 

So folks get set for a 21st century / middle-aged / Puneri look at what the alphabets mean to me now…

Fasten your seat belts, as this roller coaster takes off on the 1st April 2018 (and thereafter Sunday is a holiday on the April AtoZ blogging challenge).

2018 A to Z blogging challenge

Do stop by daily or as often as you can. 

I look forward to your visits and comments. 

2018 April AtoZ Blogging Challenge: 
Category: Personal (Journal, Diary, Musings)
Theme: What the alphabets stand for me in 2018

Its That Time Of The Year

Its that time of the year again… winter is almost forgotten as the burning sun makes its presence felt. Grass and herbs dried out from last year, crunch under the feet as one tries to keep a brisk pace on the morning walk on the tekdi. The eyes scan the usual favourites hoping to spot blooms and I am not disappointed.

Shirish beckons with its sweet fragrance and fresh foliage. Yellow rattling pods from last year still hang from the branches and the tree stands out from a distance. 

The Gardenia turgida is sprouting its first buds …

and the Neem is happy showing off its tiny flowers too…

These yellow flowers stand out on the bare plateau, amid the ashes of the burnt grass..

The small Capparis blossoms cloak the shrubby tree in a white coat!

The Ganer and Waras are still painting the tekdi golden and cream amid the fading pink of the Gliricidia

Waras flower

The white tufts of the Dregea volubilis line the pathways even as I wait for the Kusumb to blush red as it realises its branches are bare.

The lucky ones may even spot the Peacock!

Its March on the tekdi and the trees are beckoning…
Where are you??

Out on the streets, the trees are bedecked in their floral glory The golden blaze of the Tabebuia easily overshadows its pink cousin. This even as the Jacaranda casts a soothing blue haze over the horizon and blue carpet at your feet. New leaves of the Moha blush as its blossoms look down upon earthlings. The Mango is in full bloom … Does it foretell a sweet May? 

I wonder….

Looking Up (ThursdayTreeLove)

Poona, Raintree, exotic, GPO

A Tree Walk is a wonderful experience especially when one is doing a recce walk to identify the species. On one such visit, we chanced to look up and were totally floored by this view… This is the canopy of a very old Rain Tree that was just bursting into leaf. The sunlight glittered on the tender shoots. This gave a glorious painting against the blue of the sky! 

Most big Rain Trees have such glorious canopies. If possible do look up whenever you happen to see one … There is much to be enjoyed when looking up from the humdrum…

I am joining Parul in her #ThursdayTreeLove35 blog hop. Head over for some amazing trees from around the world. 

PS: To complete this post, I have to add that the botanical name of the Rain Tree is Albizia saman. It is not native to India and belongs to the Mimosaceae family. In Pune it is extensively used as a roadside tree and easily identified by its massive furrowed trunk.