U for Uber

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day twenty one and the alphabet is U. 

Taxis were not a part of Pune’s vehicle scene until maybe a couple of years ago. I have never understood the reason for this gap but Pune’s narrow streets and relatively shorter distances may have been a factor. Plus cycling and walking have been an integral part of this city which has been considerably reduced now. 

Recently app based hail taxis have become omnipresent. Uber is commonest name one sees emblazoned on the vehicles. Almost everyone including women (young and old), office goers, travellers and senior citizens has ‘Ubered’ to their destination – so much so that the noun has turned into a verb! 

Travelling in a four wheeler especially when going to work or in summers is definitely a better option especially if it eliminates parking woes! Ola is a strong competitor to Uber in Pune and most people have installed both apps. Despite this rickshas continue to hold their own. According to a recent article Pune has more vehicles than its population…

I guess we do like our wheels! 

Jokes apart its an environmental nightmare… 

Still, if I dont want to drive all the way across the city, a taxi remains the best choice! And its just a few clicks away on your smartphone!! 
So its U for Uber!

What is your experience folks?
Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post!

T for Trek

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day twenty and the alphabet is T. 

T is for Train is passe. Trains take you to the foothills of the Himalayas which are popular sites for Trekking… For me, trekking is a recent activity, one that I have enjoyed tremendously. Initially I ventured for day long excursions but thereafter I gathered courage to take up longer treks. 

Since the alphabet is T let me take you on an e-trek to Tungnath. 

Located in India’s Uttarakhand state, Tungnath is the seat of the highest Shiva temple at a height of about 12000 ft AMSL (3680m). It is one of the Panch Kedar. The beautiful temple is about 1000 years old and can be reached by properly laid out path that begins from Chopta. The route is about 3kms long and meanders climbing steadily towards the peak. 

Chopta, Uttarakhand, Shiva temple
Arch way to the path 

Initially, the path is through the a forest of Rhododendrons. According to our guide, the colour of the flowers changes with elevation. Trees at a lower height bear bright red flowers, those of trees at a higher level are pink and trees that grow even higher bear white flowers. (I shall talk about flowers at another time!)

The pathway is fully cemented and broad enough for people to walk in both directions. However, if you do meet mules (which is quite often) it is a wise move to step aside and let them pass. Enroute there are a couple of shacks selling tea, some snacks and bottled water if one does happen to finish the one they carry.  

In the beginning, the surrounding mountains peep at you from behind or in between the trees but come into full view as we leave the tree line behind. We got a brief glimpse of the majestic snow clad peaks which took my breath away literally! The tall Rhododendrons make way way for shrubby trees which for some strange reason grow almost horizontally! As we moved higher, the tree line ends to make way for grassy slopes. 

Uttarakhand, Chopta, Trek
We had a faint view of the mountains at the start of our walk 
Tungnath,Chopta, Shiva temple
Sleeping trees!

This mountain too remains snow bound in winters when the route remains officially closed. The temple is shut in winters as well. The Primulas had just about started flowering and their purple heads nodded with the breeze! The Rhododendrons were always just out of reach whenever I tried to pluck one. I got lucky when a I spied an undamaged inflorescence waiting to be picked up!


The changing flora helps take away the monotony of the climb and frequent photo stops also ensure I could catch my breath! Some of my co-trekkers were lucky enough to spot a Monal ! 

Leaving the tree line…

A sure sign to indicate end of the trail is the increasing number of tea shacks! Difficult as it was after the two hour non-stop climb, we ignored the inviting fragrance of masala chai and Maggi and forged ahead.. I find that the final few meters are always the most difficult but we did reach the temple in good time. 

Trekking, Trek, Chopta
The temple at Tungnath

Weather is unpredictable in the Himalayas and sure enough it began the deteriorate. Clouds had moved in. Visibility reduced and Chandrashila was calling. 

The temple was shut (our trek was at March end and the deity had been shifted to its winter seat) so we said a short thank you prayer from outside itself. We were carrying packed lunch so decided to proceed ahead. This is a tricky climb and we faced many slippery patches due to melting snow. Soon the path was engulfed by clouds and we could barely see up to 100m. The group was large and determined and the guides were motivating… 

Uttarakhand, Trekking, Himalayas
The clouds moved in and visibility dropped rapidly

We had zero hopes of the grand views that are the hall mark of Chandrashila but reaching there was our sole aim. One foot at a time, one behind the other, we made it to the top! 


Chandrashila is at an elevation of around 13000ft – a  hotly debated figure I believe. The peak has a small temple which would have had the most beautiful backdrop on clear day. By now, a gentle drizzle had begun and the droplets turned to snow flakes … We all donned rain gear and turned back without much ado. The thick fog ensured I could not see the deep valley and hence there was no fear while climbing down. 

Uttarakhand, Chopta
Temple at Chandrashila peak

No views

We made a short halt near the temple at Tungnath for tea and lunch. The descent would have to be fast as the clouds looked menacing. We made good time but had to take refuge in a wayside shack when it began raining in earnest. Steaming hot tea restored our spirits and we returned to base wet, cold and very happy!

Tea preparation

The climb, the experience was amazing in itself and we all returned safely, so the lack of views was just a tiny blemish if any. After all, I need a reason to revisit the region

Its a good idea to begin early so as to avoid the heat. Its better if each one finds their own pace. Walking zig zag can also make the climb seem less tiring. Be prepared for rain and wind and carry sufficient water. Frequent sips is more helpful to prevent cramps. 

As they say, the mountains let you in , you do not climb the mountains! A trek every year is a fantastic way to stay healthy as we end up exercising regularly so as to be able to undertake this venture. 

Have you trekked the Himalayas? Do share your travel stories!


S for Smartphone

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day nineteen and the alphabet is S.

S for Sun? Yes, I guess that will be relevant today considering global warming…

But I would opt for something closer and which has now become an inseparable part of our lives … S for smartphone. 

Years ago, in India, having a telephone was a matter of pride, a symbol of having arrived. Sometimes, there was one phone in a building and it ended up being used by all families who lived there. The owner did not mind taking messages either … I remember we had to wait a couple of years to get a land line connection and what a day of celebration it was!

With time and tech progress, the device underwent several changes and slowly the cell phone entered our lives. As before, it was a very expensive toy initially. Both incoming and outgoing calls were chargeable which created the ‘missed call’ phenomenon. After 2004, things changed rapidly, the device has now become as good as a computer and cell phone charges have become quite cheap. 

Smartphone, cell phone, device
A Motorola device from 2002 and one from 20010

All kinds of Apps offer entertainment, news, communication and what have you. Its wonderful for seniors to stay in touch – with family, friends and get info about what’s happening in the world. My Mom was quite reluctant to learn how to use a PC but has taken to the smartphone like a fish to water! And she is not alone. There are so many seniors who can easily book a taxi on their smartphone, Skype (or similar video chat feature) with their children and grandkids, play Candy Crush, read news on Apps of their favourite daily… 

The devices have grown from being compact to large ones that barely fit in the palm. The price range is vast as well and there is something for every one… Buy a device and it becomes outdated before a year is over. The lucky ones are able to ‘exchange’ their old phone for a new one but others simply end up collecting the old ones year after year… there is now the option of disposing them as e-waste.

A walk down any street shows that almost everyone has a smartphone and most will be talking away.. So much so that I think it has become a safety issue as most are lost in their conversations… 

S is definitely for smartphone! This time I know you will agree!

R for Rat

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day eighteen and the alphabet is R.

R is for Rat. That is what I learnt in school. 
Rat as in the rodent that is a menace and dread in every household. Its cousin the Mouse is probably more welcome in laboratories as its commonly used as a lab animal. 
Outside the scientific setting, even a small kid with relate the word ‘Mouse’ to the black device attached to a laptop or PC … 

Zebronics Usb Comfort + Wired Optical Mouse

A close cousin of the rat is the mouse. A mouse is the  वाहन (vahan meaning transport or vehicle) of Lord Ganesha. You will always find a tiny mouse at the feet of any idol or image of this favourite elephant headed God.

This is the famous DagduSheth Ganapati of Pune. Click on the image to see his ‘vahan’ at the bottom left of the image- at the feet of the Lord Ganesh

Using the attributes of this mammal, the word rat has entered our vocabulary in many different ways.. 

  • We smell a ‘rat’ whenever we suspect some discrepancy or untoward…. 
  • The neighbourhood hunk possibly achieved this status by being a gym ‘rat’ and spending hours and hours working out at the health club!
  • The office colleagues called him a ‘rat’ for betraying them in a crunch.
  • Hair stylists refer to something called the Hair ‘Rat’ .. now now, there is no need to curl up in distaste! From what I have read, this was quite in fashion years ago to easily create classical hair styles. Women collected fallen hair, put it into a mesh bag and created the ‘rat’. This article gives more info. Recently I remember seeing one used at a local parlour to create the prefect French Knot the difference being, it was commercially made. 
Lets meet some of the famous rodents…
  • Scabbers who is the pet of Ronald Weasely. How many Harry Potter fans here?
  • Ratatouille is a cute movie with a rat as the central figure and the movie has won one Oscar! 
  • Can we ever forget Mickey Mouse and Tom and Jerry?? Though they are technically referred to as ‘Mouse’ I think both can find a place of honour in this post 🙂
  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin must also find a mention in this post. He is said to have rid the city of rats in the year 1284. My research revealed some interesting stuff about Hamelin city which is in Germany. There is an automated clock describing the story of the Pied Piper. Do read this very interesting article on Mental Floss about Hamelin city.
I guess rat’s the way to go!
We end the third week of the blogging challenge. Its been tough in parts and a breeze in others. Hang in there folks!

Q for Queen

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day seventeen and the alphabet is Q.

Traditionally, Q is for Queen and today I will stay with the word Queen.

The only difference is that I would like each and every woman to be wearing a crown.

Here’s what has prompted this coronation…

Women devote so much time for our careers, families, homes that very often we put themselves at the bottom of the priority list. 

Well, ok, it may not be true for everyone.. so I can speak only for the ladies I have met over the last few decades. When in a crunch, it was always ‘She’ who did away with her free time/exercise/hobby and so on. 

I too am guilty of this. 

Let me add that this was a voluntary decision – one that was forced on me by my conscience. I have never really found out why since I was brought up in an open, progressive atmosphere and married into an equally open and progressive family.

Still it has happened. 

And then, a few years ago, I decided to put a stop. 

That’s when I decided that I need time for Myself. 

The world (read my family) can and does very well without me – that was a difficult one to digest at a great cost to my ego. But it set me free from myself! 

I have stopped carrying all worries of the world…. 

I am not perfect.

I have learnt to appreciate myself and accept my own short comings. I don’t depend on appreciation from friends/relatives to feel good. (But honestly.. it does feel awesome to be praised!)

I have opted out of the rat race long ago. Being a tortoise is good. It lets me walk on the path less travelled and appreciate what God gives me. 

Weight is not the sole criteria. Being fit is. Salt and pepper hair is to be accepted as are the knee caps and calcium supplements. Grey hair does have its advantages in being offered to jump a queue! 😉

Time marches on.Change is inevitable. Accepting it makes my life easier. 

I owe it to myself to be happy. 

That’s when I crowned myself a queen. 

These are my two-paise tips for every woman to be one! 

We are more than half way through the AtoZ challenge. Hang in there folks…

P for Privacy

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day sixteen and the alphabet is P.

Traditionally P is for Pen or Parrot. But in view of the recent outcry around the world and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, I would say P is for Privacy. Privacy or security of our data-  whether on social media or simply information generated by using our cell phones. 

This data breach has generated a volley of jokes and I will share a couple of them here- both received via WhatsApp. 

Mark Zuckerberg got involved in a car accident with an M.P’s son’s car in Delhi. (MP = Member of Parliament)

MP’s Son angrily: Do you know who my father is?

MZ: yes, his name is Jaspal Singh. He has 237 friends out of which 35 are women and your mother doesn’t know 10 of them. Last month he went to Thailand and he……..

MP’s son:  Bas kar yaar galti meri thi (Stop it, it was my mistake)

In the old days, such activity may have been called ‘spying’ but may have been used exclusively by governments or security agencies. We have read of letters being steamed open, phones tapped. On a general level, the neighbourhood shopkeeper knew preferences and ordering pattern of all his customers.  

Such monitoring of individual preferences has now spread to the digital world as people switch to ordering via e-portals, extensively depend on apps etc. Naturally, this info is much sought after by marketing companies. They use it to sell their products, subtly ‘guide'(influence) our thoughts and so on. 

When ever we sign up for a social media account, we first have to tick a checkbox that has us agreeing to their Terms and Conditions. This usually covers the way in which the company will use our data, jurisdiction for any disputes etc. My sole attempt to read these Terms and Conditions was discouraging – not because of what was written but  its nature. There was  reams of legalese – the implications of which were quite difficult to comprehend. So if I needed to use that particular service,  I simply ticked the check box and proceeded.

Like it or not, we are in a digital age. The SciFi movies of our childhood do not seem imaginary any more. Its almost as if the situations depicted in some episodes of the Netflix serial ‘Black Mirror‘ are actually happening! 

The Internet is here to stay and along with it the new age spies. Its up to us to use our discretion to keep these forces at bay. Learn to live with it knowing its disadvantages.  

Here are a couple of good articles about how we can reclaim our privacy.  

Is it time to go back to the old ways? Letters by Post, Libraries instead of Google to search and so on…

I would love to hear your views on this subject!

O for Oxygen


We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day fifteen and the alphabet is O.

While in the first associations for O were with Ox, Orange .. today, I first associate O with Oxygen. Naturally you may think I am referring to the ever growing menace of pollution and poor air quality. But maybe that is more of a case of increase in ‘bad’ gases …

So which oxygen am I referring to… ???

To get straight to the point, this post is about the oxygen or rather its depleting quantities at higher altitudes. Earlier it would have only affected mountaineers on expeditions to the high peaks but these days, more and more people choose to trek the mountains as a holiday of choice. This includes both young and those young at heart !! 

At elevations of over 10000 ft the effective amount of oxygen reduces. Some people get hit by what is called as Acute Mountain Sickness or HAPO which stands for High Altitude Pulmonary Oedema. It may begin with headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, feeling of uneasiness, vomitting and then worse. 


These symptoms are NEVER to be ignored at high altitudes. The immediate treatment will be to be administered oxygen and then descend to a place at a lower elevation. Naturally, folk dont want to miss out on a holiday but its better than putting your life in danger. 

There is a complicated explanation for why HAPO occurs and I will not get into that.

Its not possible to totally avoid it but one can take some measures to reduce chances of its occurance. The first is to get properly acclimatised at the base camp or the first place of halt at 10000ft. One step is to take things slowly for atleast 24 hours, avoid unnecessary activity and that includes normal sightseeing. Factor in this extra time in your holiday plan. 

Many people take a course of tablets called Diamox starting one day prior to the journey till the day they return to 10000ft. There is a huge debate if this really works and I suggest reading this indepth article by IndiaHikes on this topic. Personally, I have taken Diamox on my two visits to regions of over 10000ft. 
Please consult your doctor before starting on Diamox. Self medication is not advisable. 

Besides medicines, one must take up a good cardio training program ahead of your travel/trek. Being physically fit is a big plus. 

Trekking at about 14000ft

Here is another important article again from IndiaHikes about how the author has recognised and dealt with impending HAPO.  

Have you travelled to high altitude locations? Did you face any health issues due to reduced oxygen? 

This post is not meant to put anyone off such destinations. A little care and training before travel will surely give you a beautiful enjoyable stress-free holiday!

N for Netflix


We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day fourteen and the alphabet is N.

Usually, N would be for Nest. Right? Yet today, the first word that this alphabet reminds me of is Netflix!

Do I hear you laughing? I guess, for a fifty something doting mother and mother in law, Netflix is a perfect alternative to watching cliched TV serials. 
Before I proceed, let me assure you that this is not a sponsored post 

I had been hearing about this for quite some time but I guess there is time for everything. As they say, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Just as we found that TV channels had nothing interesting for us, we explored Netflix. Ofcourse it meant having to first get a fast broadband. Looking back I am not sure which came first, Netflix or broadband (till then we managed on dial up connections). 
Now we barely watch the telly as Netflix allows us to watch movies and shows both old and new. 

I have enjoyed many Netflix Original shows like The Crown, Narcos and House of Cards and also several old movies … When displaced from this screen, there is always the old TV to go back to. Or the phone. 

So which is the idiot box? 

Do you watch Netflix? Which is your favourite show?
Tomorrow is the alphabet O and I wonder whats in store!! 

M for Magnet


We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day thirteen and the alphabet is M.

As far as I remember, we were taught that M was for Monkey. I have had my encounters with this species when we stayed in Tezpur but I shall save that for another day. Currently, the most relevant M word is Magnet. Specifically Fridge Magnet. 

Over the years, I had seen a few of them stuck on fridge doors but what really got me hooked (or should I say attracted?) is the sight of my friend’s double door refrigerator which was totally covered with magnets. Of all shapes, sizes and colours. A wonderful collection of places they had visited. 

That’s when I too began to specifically look for fridge magnets. Secretly maybe I wanted to match my collection with hers but I know I have a long long way to go. I have purchased some great magnets but some spots have absolutely nothing. In that case, I end up making my own. 

These magnets are perfect mementos – easy on the pocket, easy to carry and daily reminders of a wonderful holiday. Not to mention being the envy of all visitors to our home 😉

Magnet collectors are called memomagnetist – something I learnt from a magazine cut out sent to me. 

Here is my collection. A few friends have said I need a new fridge to accomodate these! I think there is plenty more space…

Here are a couple of magnets that I have made. 

A magnet that I have made for a significant occasion in our life
Yet another one I engineered….

I have heard that magnets cannot be stuck on modern refrigerators – especially the side surface. Some of my friends have ended up making a metal frame to stick their magnets. I guess I will cross that bridge when I reach there… 

So what kind of mementos do you collect on your travels? Do magnets figure in your shopping list? 

We are almost half way through the blogging challenge and at the end of week two. I hope fatigue is not setting in …

See you with my next post with the alphabet N.

L for Lion


We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school? 

Its day twelve and the alphabet is L.

Today I will go with the traditional, age old teaching of L for Lion. 

The Asiatic Lion whose sole home presently is the Gir National Park in the state of Gujarat in India. According to the 2015 census mentioned on the website, there were 523 lions which was said to be a comfortable figure. 

Spot the lioness sitting behind the trees in the distance

We were lucky to see this pair walk right past our vehicle. To tell the truth, I was a little scared too!

And here is video of the same pair 

Panthera leo persica (which is their scientific name) is smaller than the African lion and has a longitudinal fold of skin along stomach. Further, ears of the male lions in Gir are visible as they have a less thick mane compared to their cousins from Africa! Here is wonderful National Geographic article about lions. 

They face threats as their habitat is slowly breaking up (as jungles are cut off) and poachers. Several efforts are on to help protect this great animal! 

Have you visited Gir? Have you seen the Asiatic lions? 

The next alphabet is M and and Is M still for Monkey? I think not… Hope to see you again tomorrow. 