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What do you see? The glorious Mayflower or the stunning SPPU main building? Image credit Pankaj Kulkarni |
2018 AtoZ Reflections

There is huge void at the end of 30 April , a massive lull as it were, after the frenzy of writing, reading and commenting on posts in the April AtoZ blogging challenge. I was travelling part of the month and associated connectivity issues meant I could not comment on as many posts as I wanted. Somehow I never did get around to doing it later.
This was my fifth attempt at the challenge.
2013 was my first attempt and I did not have a theme.
In 2014, I wrote about Exercising for fitness.
In the year 2015, I wrote about public parks around Pune.
In 2016 I posted about herbs from AtoZ.
For some reason, I was unable to comment on some posts from my cell phone. Also, some blogs only accepted comments via Facebook or Google Plus. I did not want to comment via these platforms so despite wanting to say something, I just could not reach out to the author.
The AtoZ Twitter handle was not as responsive as it used to be earlier. It would have helped if they had retweeted posts in which they were tagged.
I found a huge number of Indian bloggers, many from India and some living overseas. There was a fair number of older people participating which means blogging is not an exclusive purview of the younger generation. Older folks are also learning the tools of the tech trade and using them pretty well to get their thoughts heard across the world!
Travel, Health, Wellbeing, Poetry, Fiction, Self-Help seemed to be popular theme ideas and many bloggers explored them in a unique manner. I did not find many nature related blogs but I am still going through the list so I may still be surprised.
This year, my theme was a contemporary AtoZ. Do the alphabets still stand for the same objects as we were taught in school? Overall, for me, 13 alphabets could still be related to the same word namely A, B, D, E, G, H, I , J , K, L, Q, R and X. Yet each had a subtle 21st century twist. The others had other more tech-related associations.
Among my posts, the O post, O for Oxygen had the highest views, followed by I for Ink, T for Trek and M for Magnet. Comments I for Ink elicited maximum response from my readers followed by B for Ball. The comments are much less than number of views so I am not sure if people couldnt be bothered to reply or were short of time or simply did not find the posts worth commenting 🙁
I am happy to have completed the challenge and am grateful to those who have commented and shared my posts!
I came across some really interesting blogs which I will update here soon. So do come back in a week or so! Hopefully I will be ready with a list then.
What could have been better? Hmmm… maybe I could have been more active on social media and visited more blogs. I plan to remedy the latter over in upcoming days.
All in all, April has been a very hot and hectic month.
I hope to be more regular in my posts other that Wordless Wednesday so wish me luck!
Thanks for your support dear readers!
Stay well, Stay Happy!
The Gift
Tamhan (Wordless Wednesday)

Z for Zumba

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?
Its day twenty six and the alphabet is Z.
This will be last post for the series though I guess I may put up my Reflections later..
The list of things that I yen for should also include Zumba. Its an exercise form that is quite the rage in my city. From what I have read its a kind of dancercise but somehow I have not got down to signing up for a class.
Alberto Perez created Zumba in the 1990s and it incorporates aerobic movements with dance accompanied by some fast paced high intensity music. This Wikipedia article states that there are 9 types of Zumba, of which the Gold program is meant for older people and beginners. I guess I fall in both categories so this should be the one for me…
As I understand this falls into the aerobic workout category. This article in Time, quotes a study which found that Zumba boosted balance and core strength in overweight women who are older in age. Since it is non-judgemental there is no fear of not being a good dancer. A study by the American Council on Exercise found that Zumba is indeed a very effective type of exercise.
All in all there is enough scientific data in favour of Zumba. I know of a couple of classes in my neighbourhood too. So why am I sitting here in front of my PC and typing its benefits instead of joining?
That’s just what I will do after I read some fantastic Z posts, catch up with Twitter, schedule my Wordless Wednesday photos, cook, sleep, catch up with my book.. by which time it the health club will have closed…
Getting back to my basic premise, Z for Zebra still holds as a visit to the great grasslands of Africa is on my travel wish list. Till that happens, Z belongs to Zumba!
My heartfelt thanks to you folks for your visits and comments. Your support has meant a lot.I have tried to read and comment on as many blogs as I possible. There is all of May to catch up!
See you around!
Y for Yen

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?
Its day twenty five and the alphabet is Y.
In school we were taught Y is for Yak. This is one animal that is found only in the higher regions of the world, I remember seeing them in Ladakh. So basically its not commonly seen hence I would prefer to go with Y for Yen.
I am sure your first thought would be Yen as in JPY – the Japanese currency. That’s correct ofcourse but I am referring to yen which means to have a craving or yearning for something. One of my first posts was related to my blog address (yenforblue) and you can read it here.
At this stage in my life what is it that I ‘yen’ for?
Ability to travel
Staying healthy
Seeing my family happy
Learning something new every year preferably technology related
Of all these, the last has sort of stagnated as I have only managed to gain more knowledge about field botany and bonsai. Learning music has been one thing I want to do but my tentative efforts at the singing class were disastrous to say the least. I am trying to figure out if my teacher or I was happier when I quit! I have consoled myself saying that artists need people to appreciate as well, and I might as well be a good connoisseur.
With advancing age, its important to have a goal, a craving to do or learn something. An active mind will keep ageing at bay. Hence the importance to have a yen for something!
What do you yen for?
X for Xmas

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?
Its day twenty four and the alphabet is X.
Among the several festivals that we celebrate, Christmas is among my favourites. Technically I do not ‘celebrate’ Christmas but possibly because I studied in a convent school, this festival has always been special to me. We always had a party in schoolwith each class having its own celebration. Sometimes they took us to the chapel and we sang carols.
Now years later, I still make it a point to listen to Christmas carols.
Besides carols, the Christmas cake is yet another favourite. I learnt to bake one from an expert baker and it is really awesome even if I say so myself.The recipe calls for advance preparation but the results are worth it.
Most shopping areas in Pune are all decked up right from start of December and its a joy to walk down the streets or in the Mall. Christmas trees are look wonderful with fairy lights and ornaments. Here are some wonderfully decorated trees from homes…
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Image credit Rajendra Sonarikar |
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Image credit Rajendra Sonarikar |
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Image credit Dr Meenakshi Pande |
Curves and Lines (ThursdayTreeLove)

This tree has literally got my attention each and every time I pass by. So much so that I have to be cautioned to pay attention to traffic as it is located on my cycle route!
It is a Palm and quite and old one I think. For some reason, it has this twisted trunk. I can only speculate why this may have happened. Some storm perhaps. Or maybe there used to be some other structure there and the tree for some reason chose to grow around it…
Whatever maybe the case, its curves and lines are striking! Agree?
I am joining Parul in her #ThursdayTreeLove38 blog hop. Do head over to see some amazing trees from around the world. Better still, join in!
W for WiFi

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?
Its day twenty three and the alphabet is W.
WiFi is the first word that comes to my mind for this alphabet. Ofcourse water still is an important letter-word association but my choice for today’s post is WiFi.
A receptionist at a hotel in Norway told me, “We get tourists from all parts of the world. Many dont speak or understand English. Yet everyone knows one word…. WiFi!!”
That in itself shows the reach of this technology. Its the gateway to the Internet, the place where one gets information, entertainment, education and almost everything else. We extensively use WiFi. At home. In office. At airports. In hotels. Going beyond the usual ones (phone, tablets, computer, laptop) the range of WiFi connected devices at home is rising rapidly.. Fitbit, Air purifiers, refrigerators, weighing scales and who can forget the latest addition – Alexa!
Whenever we have house guests, among the first things to be offered to them is the WiFi password!!
Here is an image received on WhatsApp that shows the scene when the family gets together with the family matriarch…
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Image received via WhatsApp |
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Image received via WhatsApp |
V for Vegetarian

We are with the 2018 April AtoZ Blogging challenge and its my fifth attempt. For those who missed it, here is the link to my Theme Reveal post. Do the alphabets still stand for the same things we learnt about in Nursery school?
Its day twenty two and the alphabet is V.
One advantage of travelling full fare airlines is that they offer inflight meals. Their quantity and taste factor are open to debate but yes, they do offer food. One of the biggest difficulties is choosing the correct meal option when booking tickets.
I prefer to be vegetarian. To me, it simply means a meal that does not have meat. That’s it. The websites ask me to choose between Asian Veg, Vegetarian Vegan, Vegetarian Meal, Vegetarian Oriental Meal, Fruit Platter, Vegetarian Jain Meal, Vegetarian Lacto – Ovo Meal.
Phew! That’s just the veg options.. (The non-vegetarian options are equally varied.)
Choose the wrong one and you are stuck with something that is vegetarian all right but its something you dont like. I once chose Asian Veg and found myself facing a bowl full of noodles. Try eating those with flimsy plastic folks … Plus, I hate noodles unless its Maggi! I know that Jain Meals do not contain onion/garlic/root veggies so that should be a safe option. Fruit Platter is self explanatory I suppose but will it satisfy the hunger pangs at lunch time?? I am not averse to eggs so the Veg Lacto-Ovo meal may be interesting!
In India, we have to buy food on the low cost carriers – the menu usually lists many options but all may not be available. Besides the sandwich varieties, the other items are usually made by adding hot water to the dehydrated food. I have seen folks carrying their own tiffins which says more about the food than anything anyone says or writes!
I can go on with this theme but I know you have many more blogs to visit…
While it was V for violin in school, I will go with V for vegetarian and take my chances with whatever food is served 😉
What is your experience with inflight vegetarian meals? Do share!