Came across some interesting figures. Click at relevant places to read the entire story.
One quintal of sugarcane yields about 9 kgs of sugar.
One tonne of sugarcane yields about 120 kgs of jaggery.
One barrel of crude oil (about 160 lit) yields 5 to 19 litres of petrol subject to quality of crude, refining process used and refiners specifications.
Organic milk contains can contain up to 71% more omega-3 fatty acids compared to conventionally produced milk, a study by the University of Aberdeen showed.
Calorific value of domestic coal in India has fallen to about 3,500 kcal/kg from about 5,900 kcal/kg in early 1960s, according to Power Ministry estimates.
India was placed in third spot as third best place to survive the economic crisis by a Servcorp International Business Confidence survey.
Digest these numbers for now.
Best wishes.