Precious Moments (Wordless Wednesday)

Our morning walks to the tekdi offers immense joy for the mind and soul…besides physical benefits of course!

Last month we were treated to this fabulous rainbow.. a full semicircle stretching across the horizon.

My cell phone camera was woefully inadequate to capture this beautiful sight!

And if this wasn’t enough, we saw a tiny band of a second rainbow on top!

Look carefully to see the second rainbow!

Such experiences reiterate that we must enjoy and cherish every moment. Why stress about things not in our control?


Spend your money on the things money can buy

Spend your time on the things money cant buy– Haruki Murakami

I am joining Natasha in her WordlessWednesday bloghop. #WW

6 Replies to “Precious Moments (Wordless Wednesday)”

  1. What a precious post, dear Archana. And I do use the Murakami quote in my life all the time.

    I love your cover photo too. The double rainbow is super auspicious too. I hope you did wish on your “pot of gold.” :))

    Lovely to see you on #WW. It’s been so long.

  2. Over the years, rainbows have come to show me hope and the promise that things will work out okay. I’m glad you received this gift.

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