Priya had been thrilled to take up the Salon offer. Four sittings for the price of two. An unbelievable deal. At twice a month, she need not look for deals for their upcoming 30th anniversary. She could confidently accept compliments like “you look as if you were married yesterday!”
Appearances had unknowingly become a priority… and she had given in.. As an active member of the Tea party, Cocktail, Kitty circuit; she felt as if she had to look young 24X7.
But of late, this was becoming too strenuous. Suddenly the fine lines needed extra effort to be hidden and the greys appeared faster. Fatigue was setting in. In her fight with Age, the latter seemed to have the upper hand.
Priya was tempted to stop these frequent Salon visits but lacked the will power.
And then, out of the blue, the Lockdown happened. Everything was shut. Salons. Gyms. No parties either.
That meant her wonderful Salon discount could not be used.
After a few weeks of hesitation, she gathered courage to look at her reflection.
The fine lines and greys did not laugh at her.
When she smiled, they smiled back at her.
Suddenly the mirror became her friend as did Aging.
I am joining Vinitha in her Fiction Monday series using the word prompt Mirror.
Aging is always hidden with beauty products and hair colors. But when we accept aging as a part of us, it is one of the beautiful and honorable process that a human being goes through. Beautifully told, Archana. I am sorry I couldn’t comment last week. I am glad though that I made time to catch up with your story now. 🙂 This was a beautiful read.
Thanks Vinitha! Happy to participate!!
Beautifully told, Archana! What a lovely take on the prompt!! Wish many more women had such wisdom to realise how to embrace their real selves without the need to camouflage their ages and their flaws!!
Yes! I think many women have had a change of heart in this lockdown- based on what I see around me! Thanks for your lovely kind words Esha! 🙏