Central Witness (ThursdayTreeLove)

NH4, Pune, Ficus, Tree

Many a times have I seen this tree growing on the median of the NH4 from Pune towards Satara. It seems to be a very old tree considering its size despite the heavy traffic on both sides of the road. I am really happy that whoever built this road chose to retain the tree during road construction – or could it be that it grew after the road was ready?

Whatever the case may be, considering its strategic location, the plant must have seen thousands and thousands of folks pass by, possibly travelling on a holiday, for work, some happy, some not so happy… If it could communicate with us, it would have some wonderful stories to share. 

This one seems to be a Ficus species. The almost perfect dome shaped canopy must offer cooling shade but its not a place were one can stop to rest!! 

I have spotted many such trees at other spots on this highway and other highways as well— a central witness to the progress of the region…

This post is part of Parul‘s #ThursdayTreeLove34. Do head over to see some amazing trees from around the world!

8 Replies to “Central Witness (ThursdayTreeLove)”

  1. I read your post, but your image is not downloading… was curious to look at the tree:)

  2. What a beautiful, spreading tree. Perhaps in the wrong place but it certainly seems to be thriving.

  3. That's huge and you are right that it must have been witness to those days when folks passed by or sad underneath when the road was being built. It's my guess that the road came later 🙂
    Thank you for joining! Beautiful entry from the highways of India 🙂

  4. HI Archana, I tried again and I saw the lovely tree on the road side, its so huge and on the highway, looks so nice that one can stop and have a snack under this tree, looks lovely green and full of leaves.

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